NCTCOG to Host Transportation Public Meeting August 12


Public comments accepted through Sept. 10

Contact: Brian Wilson

Arlington, Texas – The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) is hosting a hybrid public meeting to give residents an opportunity to provide input on a series of transportation-related topics Aug.12. The hybrid meeting is scheduled for noon at NCTCOG’s Arlington office, 616 Six Flags Drive. North Texans unable to attend will have the option to watch the presentations live at, or participate via phone by dialing 855-925-2801, then code 10355. Public comments will be accepted until Sept. 10.

The Mobility 2045 Update guides the spending of federal and state transportation funds based on regional goals. Relevant sections in the Mobility 2045 Update have been amended to include recent federal grants awarded to NCTCOG for publicly accessible alternative fuel infrastructure projects, including hydrogen refueling infrastructure for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles and electric vehicle charging stations. A presentation will be given on the sections that have been modified. The updated information can be found in Environmental Considerations (Chapter 4 and Appendix C) at

Federal regulations require demographic forecasts to be evaluated every four years to coincide with the Metropolitan Transportation Plan development cycle. One of the initial steps in NCTCOG’s demographic forecasting process is the review of Regional Control Totals for Population and Employment. Over the past year, NCTCOG staff has completed an analysis of various control total forecasts and will present the results to the public.

The Transit Strategic Partnerships Program is a competitive grant program that funds innovative transit projects supporting services for seniors, persons with disabilities and low-income populations from public agencies looking to implement service, and those seeking partnership with an existing transit provider. The May 2024 cycle for proposal submissions has closed, and an update on selected projects will be provided for review and comment. For more information, visit

Additionally, NCTCOG will present proposed transit projects funded by the Federal Transit Administration through the final award of Fiscal Year 2024. Those projects are:
  • Urbanized Area Formula
  • Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities
  • State of Good Repair
  • Bus and Bus Facilities
The input opportunity meets the federal requirement for public participation in Programs of Projects. DART hosts its own public meeting and can be contacted directly for more information.
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) maintains a comprehensive list of funded transportation projects through 2026. To maintain an accurate project listing, this document is updated regularly and will be posted for review and comment.

Information will also be provided about the following initiatives and programs: Interactive Public Input: Map Your Experience, NCTCOG’s Spatial Data Cooperative Program, Air Quality Programs and Funding Opportunities, and Access North Texas.

Roundtrip rides between the CentrePort/DFW Airport Station and NCTCOG are available for $6 through the Arlington Transportation app. Download the app at For special accommodation due to disabilities or language interpretation, contact 817-695-9255 or email
About the North Central Texas Council of Governments:
NCTCOG is a voluntary association of local governments established in 1966 to assist local governments in planning for common needs, cooperating for mutual benefit and coordinating for sound regional development. NCTCOG's purpose is to strengthen both the individual and collective power of local governments and to help them recognize regional opportunities, eliminate unnecessary duplication and make joint decisions.
NCTCOG serves a 16-county region of North Central Texas, which is centered on the two urban centers of Dallas and Fort Worth. For more information on the NCTCOG Transportation Department, visit