Transit Provider Resources
![]() | The North Central Texas Council of Governments partners with local governments and transportation providers to implement transportation projects throughout the North Central Texas region. These projects aim to address the transportation needs of older adults, individuals with disabilities, individuals with lower incomes, and other individuals with transportation challenges. Below are some useful resources for transit providers that utilize funding from NCTCOG. |
The NCTCOG Transit Team administers biannual publications that update transit partners and providers on local news, internal deadlines that affect transit providers, staff highlights, and other interesting information relevant to transit. You can find the September 2023 Bulletin here.
Contact Bobby Gomez at to recommend items for the next Biannual Transit Bulletin.
The Transit Accessibility Improvement Tool (TAIT) identifies communities who face transportation disadvantages and may have greater potential need for public transit. This is done through identifying Census block groups with concentrations of residents who are below poverty, living with disabilities, or age 65 and over. |
The TAIT application also provides overlay layers that identify:
- Additional populations with potential need for public transit
- Populations relevant to civil rights compliance
- Transit agency service areas
Demographic data for the TAIT is based on American Community Survey 5-year estimates. The TAIT tool has been used to inform NCTCOG's Access North Texas publication that outlines current transit accessibility and is the regional public transportation coordination plan for the 16-county North Central Texas region.
Consult the User Guide or the pop-ups in the top right corner of the application for more information.
Transit Asset Management (TAM) is a broad system of monitoring and managing the condition of public transportation assets. Agencies are required to develop a TAM plan if they own, operate, or manage capital assets used to provide transportation and receive federal financial assistance under 49 U.S.C. Chapter 53 as a recipient or subrecipient.
The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) serves two roles in transit asset management. First, through NCTCOG's Regional Transportation Council (RTC), NCTCOG serves as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan Planning Area. The MPO is responsible for facilitating a continuous, cooperative, and comprehensive transportation planning process. This includes development of the long-range plan, Mobility 2045, developing the Transportation Improvement Program, incorporating transit-related projects, and coordinating regional performance targets with all transit providers as they relate to TAM.
- Federal Transit Administration TAM Webpage
- Federal Transit Administration TAM FAQs
- NCTCOG FY 2019-2022 TAM Group Sponsored Plan Document
- NCTCOG Transit Asset Management Performance Measure Page
- TxDOT Transit Asset Management Group Sponsored Plan
NCTCOG has also implemented a TAM group plan for transit providers in the region that did not either implement an individual plan or join the TXDOT group plan. Provided above are several useful links regarding TAM plans, including a link to the NCTCOG Fiscal Years 2019-2022 Group TAM Plan for all subrecipients listed in the Group Participants section of the linked document.
For more information, contact us at or contact a member of the Transit Team.