Air North Texas Coalition

The official logo of the Air North Texas CoalitionIn an effort to promote public awareness about the air quality situation in our region and to generate a better understanding of the health impacts of the air we breathe, the North Central Texas Council of Governments, with the help of partners across the region, has joined forces to form an Air North Texas Coalition.

The coalition is a voluntary effort and a creative platform to share successes, obstacles, and explore ideas.

Our mission is simple: to develop a regional brand and voice for air quality that will foster behavioral changes in the community to help improve our air.

At the forefront of this region-wide air quality awareness campaign is Air North Texas – an all-inclusive branding effort that serves to bridge partnering entities and affiliated programs into one comprehensive, mutually complementary and versatile initiative. 

To learn more visit or for more information contact Kimberlin To

Next Meeting Date

March 20, 2025 - 1:30 PM

Air North Texas Coalition

Conference Call: 903-508-4574
Meeting ID: 721 705 449#