Critical Freight Corridors
The North Central Texas Council of Governments participates in the Regional Critical Urban Freight Corridor system. The goal is to identify important freight corridors that provide critical connectivity to the state freight network and the Primary Highway Freight System. The regional Critical Freight Corridor system will align with The Metropolitan Transportation Plan, The Transportation Improvement Program, and the Ten Year Plan.
States and in certain cases, Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), are responsible for designating public roads for the Critical Rural Freight Corridors (CRFCs) and Critical Urban Freight Corridors (CUFCs) in accordance with section 1116 of the FAST Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law section 11114. Source: Federal Highway Administration, July 2023.
In late 2021, NCTCOG updated the region's CUFC's based off TxDOT's Freight Plan. This project highlighted 42 corridors of concern within the region. These corridors were then evaluated based off a scorecard to show the CUFC's that ranked the highest. For more information about the scorecard and the areas of concern, please click the "Critical Urban Freight Corridor Scorecard" link at the bottom of the page.
By designating these important corridors, States can strategically direct resources toward improved system performance and efficient movement of freight on the National Highway Freight Network (NHFH). The designation of CRFC's and CUFC's will increase the State's NHFN, allowing expanded use of NHFP formula funds and MEGA Grant Program funds for eligible projects that support national goals identified in 23 U.S.C 167(b) and 23 U.S.S 117(a)(2). Source: Federal Highway Administration, July 2023.

FHWA Primary Freight Highway System

FHWA Primary Highway Freight System and TxDOT Freight Networks

Current Critical Urban Freight Corridors with State Network and National System

Critical Urban Freight Corridor Scorecard
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