Staff Directory
NCTCOG Transportation directory of contacts for transportation related contacts/questions/comments and suggestions.
Our main phone number is 817-695-9240 our main email is
If you have a question or need information about a specific program or topic, please see staff contact information below.
Staff Directory
Principal Transportation Planner
Amy Johnson
Transportation Planning - Metropolitan Transportation Plan
(817) 704-5608
Air Quality Planner II
Analisa Garcia
Air Quality Management - Technical Planning
(817) 695-9170
Transportation Program Assistant III
Angie Carson
Program Administration - Assistant Director Support, Personnel and Office Management
(817) 695-9244
Senior Air Quality Planner
Anthony Moffa
Air Quality Management – Emissions Enforcement
(817) 695-9281
Grants and Contracts Supervisor
Ashley Harvey
Fiscal Management and Project Support
(817) 704-2548
Senior Administrative Assistant
Barbara Walsh
Lamd-Use and Mobility Options and Model and Data Development
(817) 695-9245
Program Manager
Brendon Wheeler
Transportation Planning - Metropolitan Transportation Plan
(682) 433-0478
Principal Transportation Planner
Brian Flood
Transportation Planning - Roadway Planning
(817) 695-9243
Communications Supervisor
Brian Wilson
Communications - Media Relations and Publication Development
(817) 704-2511
Transportation Planner III
Brianna Weber
Congestion Management and System Operations - Travel Demand Management
(817) 704-5665
Senior Grants and Contracts Coordinator
Brittoni Wordlaw
Fiscal Management and Project Support
(817) 608-2378
Brock Simonton
Transportation Planning - Metropolitan Transportation Plan
(817) 608-2350
Senior Transportation Planner
Camille Fountain
Congestion Management and System Operations - Transportation Safety
(817) 704-2521
Senior Administrative Assistant
Charlene Collins
Congestion Management and System Operations
(817) 608-2330
Principal Transportation Planner
Chris Reed
Transportation Planning - Roadway Planning
(817) 695-9271
Grants and Contracts Coordinator II
Colby Sullivan
Fiscal Management and Project Support
(817) 704-2513
Grants and Contracts Supervisor
Courtney Blohm
Fiscal Management and Project Support
(817) 695-9249
Air Quality Planner III
Daniela Tower
Air Quality Management - Technical Planning
(817) 704-5629
Principal Transportation Planner
Donald Parker
Transportation Planning - Metropolitan Transportation Plan
(817) 608-2380
Elijah Cook
Transportation Planning - Freight and Goods Movement Planning
(817) 704-5669
Transportation Planner II
Erik van Bloemen Waanders
Transportation Planning - Roadway Planning
(817) 704-5641
Senior Transportation Planner
Eric Quintana
Congestion Management and System Operations - Congestion Management Process
(817) 608-2381
Program Manager
Ernest Huffman
Congestion Management and System Operations - Aviation Planning
(817) 704-5612
Principal Transportation Planner
Ezra Pratt
Transportation Planning - Metropolitan Transportation Plan
(817) 695-9259
Principal Transportation System Modeler
Francisco Torres
Model and Data Development
(817) 608-2356
Grants and Contracts Coordinator I
Gabrielle Hoskins
Fiscal Management and Project Support
(817) 695-9220
Communications Specialist II
Gabrielle (Elle) Mann
Communications - Branding and Campaigns
(817) 695-9266
Grants and Contracts Coordinator II
Gence Johnson
Fiscal Management and Project Support
(817) 704-5640
Principal Transportation Planner
Gregory Masota
Congestion Management and System Operations - Transportation System Management
(817) 695-9264
Transportation Planner II
Gwen Dorko
Transportation Planning - Metropolitan Transportation Plan
(817) 704-2536
Communications Specialist I
Hannah Ueckert-Witcher
Communication - Public Involvement
(817) 573-1719
Communications Coordinator
Jacki Kocmoud
Communications - Digital Production and Social Media)
(817) 704-2540
Communications Specialist II
Jacklym (Jackie) Nolasco
Communications - Government Relations
(817) 695-9255
Program Manager
Jeff Hathcock
Transportation Planning - Freight and Goods Movement Planning
(817) 608-2354
Senior Transportation Planner
Jesse Brown
Transportation Planning - Roadway Planning
(817) 704-5691
Air Quality Planner II
Jessica Bullock Bonilla
Clean Fleets and Energy Programs
(817) 704-5680
Grants and Contracts Coordinator I
Jessie Kierbow
Fiscal Management and Project Support
(817) 704-5679
Joaquin Moreno
Congestion Management and System Operations - Travel Demand Management
(817) 608-2351
Senior Transportation Planner
John Starnes
Transportation Planning - Roadway Planning
(817) 704-5607
Grants and Contracts Coordinator I
Joy Olatunde
Fiscal Management and Project Support
(817) 608-2358
Air Quality Planner II
Juan Barron-Luna
Air Quality Management - Emissions Enforcement
(817) 704-5611
Senior Administrative Assistant
Julie Shaw
Air Quality Management and Clean Fleet and Energy Program
(817) 608-2369
Communications Manager
Kenny Bergstrom
Communications - Digital Production and Social Media)
(817) 704-5643
Principal Transportation Planner
Kurt Lehan
Transportation Planning - Metropolitan Transportation Plan
(817) 704-5638
Grants and Contracts Coordinator II
Luis Rosas
Fiscal Management and Project Support
(817) 695-9260
Communications Specialist II
Malcolm Mayhew
Communications - Media Relations and Publication Development
(817) 704-5699
Transportation Planner I
Mark Stephens
Transportation Planning - Roadway Planning
(817) 695-9270
Transportation Planner I
Maya Govindarajan
Fiscal Management and Project Support
(817) 695-9190
Principal Transportation Planner
Michael Johnson
Transportation Planning - Freight and Goods Movement Planning
(817) 695-9160
Transportation Planner III
Michael Linsenman
Fiscal Management and Project Support
(817) 695-9180
Transportation Planner III
Michael Misantonis
Congestion Management and System Operations - Transportation Safety
(817) 608-2384
Grants and Contracts Supervisor
Michelle Ward
Fiscal Management and Project Support
(682) 433-0481
Senior Program Manager
Natalie Bettger
Congestion Management and System Operations
(817) 695-9280
Principal Transportation Planner
Nathan Drozd
Transportation Planning - Roadway Planning
(817) 695-9148
Senior Grants and Contracts Coordinator
Nathaniel Dover
Fiscal Management and Project Support
(817) 704-5642
Transportation Planner III
Nicole Johnson
Congestion Management and System Operations - Aviation Planning
(817) 704-5690
Transportation Planner II
Noah Walker
Transportation Planning - Metropolitan Transportation Plan
(817) 608-2326
Communications Coordinator
Norma Zuniga
Communications - Branding and Campaigns
(817) 608-2388
Preeti Narella
Transportation Planning - Metropolitan Transportation Plan
(817) 695-9299
Program Manager
Rebekah Gongora
Communications - Public Involvement and Government Relations
(682) 433-0477
Grants and Contracts Coordinator II
Renee Hubbard
Fiscal Management and Project Support
(682) 433-0445
Senior Transportation Planner
Robert (Bobby) Gomez
Fiscal Management and Project Support
(682) 433-0441
Transportation Information Services Coordinator
Robert Hall
Communications - Branding and Campaigns
(817) 695-9253
Senior Transportation Planner
Rylea Roderick
Transportation Planning - Metropolitan Transportation Plan
(817) 608-2353
Transportation Planner I
Samuel Jones
Transportation Planning - Metropolitan Transportation Plan
(817) 608-2355
Principal Transportation Planner
Samuel Simmons
Transportation Planning - Roadway Planning
(817) 704-2523
Communications Specialist II
Sarah Thompson
Communications - Digital Production and Social Media)
(817) 704-5631
Transportation Planner II
Savannah Briscoe
Transportation Planning - Freight and Goods Movement Planning
(817) 608-2347
Shreya Bandi
Congestion Management and System Operations - Transportation Safety
(817) 704-5603
Transportation Planner II
Skylar Staffaroni
Transportation Planning - Metropolitan Transportation Plan
(817) 608-2301
Program Manager
Sonya Landrum
Congestion Management and System Operations - Travel Demand Management and Transportation Safety
(817) 695-9273
Senior Transportation Planner
Sydnee Mangini (Steelman)
Land-Use and Mobility Options
(817) 695-9287
Communications Specialist II
Taylor Benjamin
Communications - Public Involvement
(817) 704-5672
Senior Administrative Assistant
Therese Bergeon
Fiscal Management and Project Support and Legal and Contract Services
(817) 695-9267
Transportation Program Assistant III
Toni Stehling
Program Administration - Committee Support
(817) 608-2367
Air Quality Planner III
Trey Pope
Air Quality Management - Emissions Enforcement
(817) 695-9297
Transportation Planner I
Valerie Alvarado
Transportation Planning - Freight and Goods Movement Planning
(817) 640-4428
Administrative Program Coordinator
Vercie Pruitt-Jenkins
Program Administration
(817) 608-2325
Senior Transportation System Modeler
Vivek Thimmavajjhala
Air Quality Management - Technical Planning
(817) 704-2504
Grants and Contracts Supervisor
Vivica Parker
Fiscal Management and Project Support
(817) 704-2515
Senior Transportation Planner
Wade Haffey
Transportation Planning - Roadway Planning
(817) 695-9254
Principal Transportation Planner
Ying Cheng
Transportation Planning - Metropolitan Transportation Plan
(817) 704-5644
Transportation Planner II
Zachary Joseph
Transportation Planning - Metropolitan Transportation Plan
(817) 704-5615