
The following publications and outreach materials were developed through NCTCOG's programs and committees and are available for purchase or download. Shipping and handling may be added to orders.

Stormwater Education Videos (2015)

Freddy The FishFreddy the Fish Teaches About Stormwater (4:30)
Freddy the Fish teaches kids about what happens to rain after it hits the ground, where storm drains lead to, and what we can do to help prevent water pollution. Intended for elementary school aged audiences. Pairs with the Freddy the Fish science experiment. Watch on YouTube

Stormwater to Drinking Water (6:00)
Graphical illustrations of Stormwater concepts including runoff, non-point source pollution, where storm drains lead to, and pollution prevention techniques. Intended for high school aged audiences. Watch on YouTube

Both videos are available streaming for free via YouTube. To order a DVD containing both videos ($35), email or call 817-695-9210.

Do Your Part: Keep Pollution Out of Storm Drains & Ways (2015)

Do Your Part: Keep Pollution Out of Storm Drains & Ways

A template for 13 tabloid (11" x 17") posters that can help train municipal employees about stormwater pollution prevention. The topics covered include best management practices (BMPs) related to fleet maintenance, parks and ground maintenance, drainage maintenance, streets maintenance, materials storage, spills, soil and erosion control, solid waste operations, and water main repair/dewatering. Cities can customize the template with their appropriate text, contacts, logos, etc.

Download for free as a PowerPoint template.  

Stormwater Pollution Prevention: What We Can Do (2020)

Stormwater Pollution Prevention: What We Can Do

This video series contains tools to assist local governments and state agencies in training their employees on stormwater pollution prevention. The following topics are covered: construction activities and land disturbances, fleet maintenance and material handling, streets and drainage maintenance, parks and grounds maintenance, and solid waste operations. For more information, visit the Pollution Prevention Training webpage.

The series includes 6 .mp4 videos totaling 43 minutes in length and accompanying PowerPoint modules (2005).  Purchase all 6 video files and the PowerPoint modules for $100 or individual videos for $25 each via the NCTCOG Webstore.  Email or call 817-695-9210 for ordering and other information.

Municipal Employee Training: Construction Stormwater Awareness DVD (2012)

Construction Stormwater Awareness

This DVD equips municipal employees with the knowledge and resources necessary to recognize and report poor stormwater management at construction sites. The 14:30 video explains the potential environmental problems caused by poor construction site management to non-stormwater staff. For more information, click here.

To purchase the video ($25), email or call 817-695-9210.

Potable Water Discharges (2016)

Potable Water Discharges

This training is for employees who work on potable water discharges when maintaining and repairing public utilities. Topics covered include why it's important to protect surface waters and how potable water discharges can negatively impact water quality. You will be provided with information on how you can help reduce or eliminate these negative impacts using best practices.

Download the 13:30 .mp4 video ($25) via the NCTCOG Webstore

Sanitary Sewer Overflows (2016)

Sanitary Sewer Overflows

This training is for municipal employees who work on sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) when maintaining public utilities. Topics covered include why it is important to protect water quality and how SSOs can negatively impact water quality. The video features information on how you can help reduce or eliminate these negative impacts using best practices as well as responsibilities needed for reporting.

Download the 11-minute .mp4 video ($25) via the NCTCOG Webstore

Preventing Stormwater Pollution at Construction Sites Field Guide (2011)

Stormwater Construction Guide

Equips the construction site superintendent in the North Central Texas region with the knowledge and resources necessary to help keep the site compliant and protect water quality from stormwater pollution due to soil loss and mismanagement of materials and waste.

The 28-page guide is printed on 4"x9" cardstock, laminated, and attached to a carabiner.  It is available for $25 via the NCTCOG Webstore

Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination DVD (2013)

Stormwater Pollution Prevention: What We Can Do

This video equips municipal employees with the knowledge to be able to recognize and report water pollution while traveling the community to conduct municipal business. It explains the potential environmental problems caused by water pollution and provides numerous examples of illicit discharges and stormwater pollution. Intended for non-stormwater staff. For more information, visit the IDDE DVD webpage.

The 7-minute video is available for free on YouTube.  Email or call 817-695-9210 for ordering and other information.

Municipal Employee Training: Recognizing and Reporting Illicit Discharges (2012)

Recognizing and Reporting Illicit Discharges

This module features tools to assist local governments in training field staff on recognizing and reporting illicit discharges. The Instructor's Guide is intended to describe the material presented in the PowerPoint module and provide the instructor with additional speaking points. Both items may be adapted as needed.

Download for free as a PowerPoint module with the Instructor's Guide (Word or PDF).

Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Field Investigation Guide (2018)

IDDE Field Investigation Guide

This resource serves as guidance for local entities seeking to identify and eliminate illicit discharges and connections to their municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s). For more information, visit the Illicit Discharge webpage.

The 23-page guide is printed on 5½"x8½" 10-mil paper that is coil-bound and waterproof.  Email or call 817-695-9210 for ordering and other information.

Stormwater Cooperative Agreement Handbook (2009)

Stormwater Cooperative Agreement Handbook

This handbook provides local governments guidance in preparing cooperative local agreements to address stormwater permit regulations.

Download for free as PDF documents.

Public Works Construction Standards 5th Edition Amended (2023)

The Standard Specifications are divided into eight divisions that cover general provisions, site protection, roadway construction, roadway maintenance, underground conduit, structures, and more. The Standard Drawings include technical drawings for erosion and sediment control, pavement systems, underground conduit, water distribution, wastewater collection, and stormwater drainage. The intent of this document is to serve as a baseline set of construction standards for local governments to modify to fit the needs of their individual communities, ordinances, and design manuals.

Available via the NCTCOG Webstore as a 590-page printed and bound hard copy ($85) or PDF download with hyperlinked table of contents and cross references ($50). 

Ordinance Framework for Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Installations in Texas (2016)

Ordinance Framework for Solar Photovoltaic Installations

Ordinance Framework for Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Installations in Texas is designed to be a resource for Texas municipalities as they develop and/or update zoning ordinances. It is intended to provide language options and explanations regarding regulation of the siting of roof- or ground-mounted solar energy devices (SED) for the production of electricity to be used primarily on-site at residential and commercial properties. Throughout this document, the term SED is used according to its definition by the Texas Tax Code, Section 171.107, and includes all components of a given system including but not limited to the panels, balance of system components, and batteries. For more information, visit Go Solar Texas.

The 33-page PDF document is available as a free download via Go Solar Texas

Texas SmartScape Bookmarks (2014)

Texas SmartScape Bookmarks

These colorful bookmarks display pictures of SmartScape plants and direct readers to the Texas SmartScape website. Stormwater and water conservation messages are on the back, and they include QR codes for quick, mobile access to the site.

The bookmarks are 2½"x8" and come in an assortment or 4 styles.  Email or call 817-695-9210 for ordering and other information. 

Yard Waste Brochures (2007)

Yard Waste Brochures

These tri-fold brochures discuss the proper way to dispose of grass clippings and fallen tree leaves (mulch and leave on the lawn). Targeting homeowners and landscape maintenance companies, readers are directed to the DFW Stormwater yard waste website.

Four versions are available in English and Spanish.  Email or call 817-695-9210 for ordering and other information. 

Municipal Stormwater Train the Trainer Event Resources (2012)

Municipal Stormwater Train the Trainer

Resources developed by Environmental Trainers, Inc. are designed to assist municipal stormwater staff in training employees on stormwater pollution prevention.

Download for free as PowerPoint and Word documents.

Landscape Best Management Practices Outreach Template (2016)

Landscape Best Management Practices

Municipal stormwater educators in the North Texas region can use this resource when creating e-newsletter articles, webpage copy, social media posts, and so on. It includes information to help educators promote and facilitate the proper use, application, and disposal of pesticides and fertilizers by the public, but it goes beyond this, providing information on landscape best management practices that can help reduce the amount of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers applied in the first place (such as integrated pest management, using native plants, using compost, etc.).

The 83-page Word document is available as a free download.