Fact Sheets


Air Cargo and the North Texas Economy An image of the front page of the air cargo fact sheet

Environmental Justice and Freight Facilites An image of the front page of the Environmental Justice and Freight Facilities page
En Español

Freight Movement Thumbnail to Fact Sheet

Freight Planning Thumbnail to NCTCOG Fact Sheet

Freight Safety  Thumbnail to NCTCOG Fact Sheet

Freight Land Use Thumbnail to NCTCOG Fact Sheet


Certification of Emerging and Reliable Transportation Technology (CERTT)

Thumbnail of October 2022

En Español

Infrastructure and Investment and Jobs Act

Thumbnail to NCTCOG Fact Sheet

En Español


Pedestrian Safety Action Plan

Front Page of the September 2021 Fact sheet related to Pedestrian Safety Action plan

En Español

Freight Safety

Thumbnail to NCTCOG 2021 Fact Sheet

En Español

Map Your Experience 
Map Your Experience 2021

En Español


Air Quality (August 2020)

2020 FactSheet

En Español

Many Dallas-Fort Worth area counties do not meet the EPA’s regulation for ozone pollution, meaning the region has additional environmental responsibilities when completing transportation improvements.

Funding Shortfall (June 2020)

This is an attachment to a fact sheet outlining North Texas' plan to address congestion.

En Español

Increased construction costs and continued improvements in the fuel efficiency of vehicles have contributed to a transportation funding shortfall.

TEXpress Lanes (January 2020)

This is an attachment detailing TEXpress lanes and how they work.

En Español

Permanent managed lanes that offer mobility options within existing freeway corridors and transitioned express/HOV lanes.


Regional Smoking Vehicle Program

This is an image of the front cover of our Fact Sheet on the Regional Smoking Vehicle Program.

En Español

RSVP informs residents their vehicle may be creating excessive smoke and emitting pollutants harmful to residents’ health and the region’s air quality. Motorists whose vehicles are reported are provided information on how to fix the problems that created the excessive smoke.

Automated Vehicle Program 2.0

This is an image of the first page of the Automated Vehicle Program Fact Sheet

En Español

Automated Vehicle 2.0 was approved by the Regional Transportation Council to assist local governments with the implementation of automated vehicles and associated technologies.


This is a small graphic of the front page of the 511 DFW Fact Sheet

 En Español

The 511DFW Traveler Information system is a leading source of traffic information and more for roadway an transit in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.


Mobility 2045 (August 2018)

This is a small graphic capture of the front page of the Mobility 2045 Fact Sheet

En Español

The current Metropolitan Transportation Plan for the Dallas-Fort Worth area will guide development of the region's transportation system through 2045. It proposes spending $135.4 billion to meet the multimodal transportation needs of one of the fastest-growing metropolitan areas in the country.

Truck Parking Study (2018)

This is a small graphic capture of the front page of the Truck Parking Study Fact Sheet

The Regional Truck Parking Study is one of several recommended studies following Freight North Texas, a comprehensive analysis of the region’s freight system. As Dallas-Fort Worth continues to grow and freight's role expands, more parking will be necessary.

Regional Freight Safety

This is an attachment to a fact sheet detailing driver awareness and highway safety.

Regional Freight Safety Initiatives  create a safer environment for people traveling on North Texas roadways. Trucks and freight trains take longer to stop than passenger vehicles, making it important for motorists to use caution around them.


Traffic Counts

Image of traffic counts fact sheet

Traffic counts are collected regularly to provide planners, traffic engineers and developers with information that helps with decision-making. Collection of traffic counts is crucial for the calibration and validation of the travel demand model.

Aviation Education (August 2017)

Screenshot of aviation fact sheet

The North Texas Aviation Education Initiative helps ensure the region has a workforce with the skills necessary to meet the current and future demands of the aviation industry. This is important because aviation has an annual economic impact of over $40 billion to the local economy.

Access North Texas (January 2017)

Access North Texas Fact Sheet Cover

Access North Texas includes prioritized strategies that guide the region as partners work together to make the most of existing services and expand services where necessary.


Automated Vehicles (September 2016)

Automated Vehicle Fact Sheet First Page

NCTCOG Examines Automated Vehicles

Congestion Freight (August 2016)

Congestion Freight Fact Sheet Cover Page

Freight Congestion and Delay Study

Mobility 2040 (August 2016)

Mobility 2040 Fact Sheet Cover

Long-range transportation plan steers development of region's roadways, passenger rail and bicycle-pedestrian facilities through 2040. The 12-county region is expected to spend almost $120 billion through 2040 on the multimodal transportation system.

Freight Movement (June 2016)

Freight Fact Sheet Cover

Freight is moved by more than trucks on the roadways. It is moved in ands out of Dallas-Fort Worth by rail and air. 

High Speed Rail (June 2016)

High Speed Rail Fact Sheet Cover

High-speed rail would provide a faster way for residents to connect to employment and other destinations in the region and across Texas. NCTCOG will study high-speed rail and other technologies that could move people and goods faster than conventional surface transportation options.

Community Schools (May 2016)

Community Schools Fact Sheet Cover

Fewer students walk and bike to school today than just a few decades ago. NCTCOG is working with partners in the region to improve students' options for getting to school.

Bicycle-Pedestrian (April 2016)

Bicycle Pedestrian Fact Sheet Cover

A regional program provides data on how many bicyclists and pedestrians are using certain trails. This information will help policymakers determine how best to spend limited resources.


FAST Act Fact Sheet Front Page

FAST Act: 5 Years of Transportation Funding


Propostion 7 (December 2015)

Prop 7 fact sheet cover page

Proposition 7 is a constitutional amendment approved by Texas voters that will provide additional revenue to non-tolled highway projects across the State.