Design Guidelines & Other Resources


There are several resources and published guidelines for designing and implementing active transportation facilities including trails and on-street bikeways. Below are resources to aid in the process of successfully completing bicycle and pedestrian facilities in your community.

Also listed below are various other resources, including guidance for developing master plans, tools for soliciting data related to active roadway users, and more.

Design Guidelines and Manuals




A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets AASHTO 2011
Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, 4th Edition AASHTO 2012
Guide for the Planning, Design, and Operation of Pedestrian Facilities 2nd edition AASHTO 2021
Roadside Design Guide AASHTO 2011
Essentials of Bike Parking: Selecting and Installing Bike Parking That Works  [PDF] APBP 2015
A Guide for Maintaining Pedestrian Facilities for Enhanced Safety FHWA 2013
Bicycle and Pedestrian Guidance for State and Local Governments FHWA 2019
Incorporating On-Road Bicycle Networks into Resurfacing Projects  [PDF] FHWA 2016
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices  (Rev. July 2022) FHWA 2009
On-Street Motor Vehicle Parking and the Bikeway Selection Guide Process  [PDF] FHWA 2021
Resource Guide for Separating Bicyclists from Traffic   [PDF] FHWA 2018
Separated Bike Lane Planning and Design Guide FHWA 2015
Separated Bike Lanes on Higher Speed Roadways: A Toolkit and Guide  FHWA 2024
Recommended Design Guidelines to Accommodate Pedestrians and Bicycles at Interchanges ITE 2016
Traffic Control Devices Handbook ITE 2013
Designing Walkable Urban Thoroughfares: A Context Sensitive Approach  [PDF] ITE/CNU 2010
Global Design Guide NACTO 2016
Material Success: Designing Durable Bikeways NACTO 2023
Transit Street Design Guide NACTO 2016
Urban Bikeway Design Guide NACTO 2012
Urban Bikeway Design Guide (Don't Give Up at the Intersection) NACTO 2019
Urban Street Design Guide NACTO 2013
Guide for Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety at (Alternative) Intersections and Interchanges NCHRP 2021
Guidance to Improve Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety at Intersections NCHRP 2020
Highway Capacity Manual TRB 2020
Part 9: Traffic Controls for Bicycle Facilities [PDF] TxDOT 2011
Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices [PDF] TxDOT 2011
TxDOT Bicycle Accommodation Guidance TxDOT 2021
TxDOT Roadway Design Manual: Chapter 2 (Basic Design Criteria), Section 7 (Cross Sectional Elements):  Sidewalks and Pedestrian Elements TxDOT 2020
TxDOT Roadway Design Manual: Chapter 6 (Special Facilities), Section 4:  Bicycle Facilities TxDOT 2022
Other Resources




Mobility 2045: The Metropolitan Transportation Plan [PDF] NCTCOG 2018
Trails and Bikeway Master Plan Template NCTCOG  
How Local Governments and Non-Profits Can Partner Together for Trails [PDF] NCTCOG  
Complete Streets and Context Sensitive Design NCTCOG  
Look Out Texans  NCTCOG  
Active Transportation Legislation and Resources NCTCOG  
Bicycle and Pedestrian Healthy Initiatives  NCTCOG  
Bicycle Friendly Communities and Organizations  NCTCOG  
Economic Benefits of Active Transportation NCTCOG  
Shared-Use Design Plans for Green Bicycle Parking (Parklet Pilot Project in Dallas) NCTCOG 2020
TxDOT Bicycle Resources TxDOT  
TxDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodation Toolkit TxDOT  
TxDOT Bicycle Tourism Trails Study TxDOT  
TxDOT Bicycle Advisory Committee TxDOT  
TxDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Funding Program  TxDOT  
TxDOT Dallas District Bicycle Program TxDOT  
TxDOT Fort Worth District Bicycle Program TxDOT  
USDOT Pedestrian Safety Action Plan [PDF] USDOT 2020
Bicycle Intersection Safety Index   [PDF] FHWA 2007
BikeSafe FHWA  
PedSafe  FHWA  
Pedestrian and Bicycle Crash Analysis Tool (PBCAT) FHWA 2021
Groups and Coalitions
Complete Streets Coalition SGA  
Rails to Trails Conservancy RTTC  
Bike League of America: Commute by Bike LAB  
Information Centers
Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center  FHWA  
National Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Center ITE  
Pedestrian and Bicycle Design Resource Index  PBIC  
Online Tools and Guides
Pedestrian Bicycle Crash Analysis Tool  (PBCAT) FHWA  
Pedestrian Road Safety Audit Guidelines and Prompt Lists FHWA  
Bikeway Selection Guide  [PDF] FHWA 2019
Interactive Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) Tool for Pedestrians NHTSA  
Oncor Hike and Bike Trail Guidelines Oncor 2014
Policy Statement on Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodation Regulations and Recommendations  USDOT 2010

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Staff:  Daniel Snyder