Regional General Aviation and Heliport System Plan
The North Central Texas General Aviation and Heliport System Plan (System Plan) provides guidance and recommendations for the successful future of General Aviation and Vertical Flight through 2035. The plan is important to local, State, and federal aviation and economic development stakeholders. The System Plan details the recommended initiatives, by subregion, to ensure adequate and strategic regional aviation capacity to meet future demand requirements. Please visit for more information.
The System Plan Executive Summary provides a high-level overview of the System Plan components and recommendations and includes online links to topic analyses, data sources, and methodologies that provide an in-depth look into the study process.
The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) embarked on a multi-year initiative, funded and supported by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), in 2006 to analyze and evaluate the current aviation environment, both General Aviation (GA) and Vertical Flight (VF) facilities, within the 16-county region with the purpose of updating the System Plan.
Contributing to the System Plan were the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and NCTCOG’s Air Transportation Advisory Committee (ATAC), made up of airport managers and other aviation specialists in the study area. ATAC was convened in 2007 to oversee the System Plan and advise NCTCOG staff on regionally significant issues affecting the general aviation and heliport system.
North Central Texas System Plan Aviation Facilities
This regional plan includes various airports in the 16-county region of North Central Texas, as well as airports in surrounding counties, which have a meaningful impact on aviation in the 16-county area.
See the National Association of Regional Councils' (NARC) case study summary of our Regional General Aviation and Heliport System Plan here.
Staff Contacts: Ernest Huffman, Natalie Bettger