Teen Driver Safety Program

Crashed vehicle and ambulance on highway

Do you worry about your teenager’s safety while driving? Do you worry about other teenagers driving on the road?

NCTCOG is developing a campaign for teen driver safety concerns and education. We want to hear from you!

Do you work at a school or ISD? Take this brief survey to help us better understand your teen driver safety campaigns, if you have them. If not, we’d still like to hear your thoughts on possible campaigns to be developed that schools could take advantage of!

Interested in learning more about teen driver safety? Below are resources you can share with the teens in your life to help keep themselves and others safe on the road.

Be aware of the top 5 dangers for teen drivers! (According to TDS):

  • Distractions
  • Nighttime and drowsy driving
  • Speeding and street racing
  • Low safety belt use
  • Impaired driving

For more information, contact Devia Joshi at djoshi@nctcog.org.