Land Use Planning Projects

The Sustainable Development land use planning program provides support for a diverse range of mobility options, such as rail, automobiles, bicycling, transit, and walking.  Studies range from infrastructure analysis, transit-oriented development station area planning, and market analysis to urban design guidelines and planning for complete streets.  

Collin County Mixed-Use Development Study - DRAFT Collin County mixed use development

In 2020, Collin County and the Cities of Frisco, Plano, Richardson, Allen, McKinney, Garland and Wylie requested assistance from NCTCOG to analyze the traffic impacts of mixed-use developments (MXDs) to help inform development of mixed use in their communities.

The completed study includes findings and recommendations that can be used as a resource for both Collin County and other communities in the region. The draft report is now available for review and feedback. Check out the links below!

 - DRAFT Report
 - DRAFT Appendices

Questions or comments?  Contact Shawn Conrad at

This is an image of Hickory Tree Road in Balch SpringsBalch Springs Hickory Tree Road Project

NCTCOG partnered with the City of Balch Springs to complete a corridor study of Hickory Tree Road, from Bruton Road to Elam Road (approx. 2 miles). The intent of this project was to provide recommendations to enhance bicycle and pedestrian safety and access to destinations on the corridor, provide congestion relief, and support economic development.  The Hickory Tree Road Planning Study is now complete and ready for review. 

NCTCOG presented the results of the planning study and recommendations at the 3/18/2022 Balch Springs City Council Meeting. The slides from this presentation can be found here.

Hickory Tree Road Planning Study Feedback Opportunity


NCTCOG and the City of Balch Springs hosted an online public engagement opportunity for all residents, visitors, and those employed in the City of Balch Springs to provide feedback on the Hickory Tree Road Planning Study.

The video presentation below reviews the planning study’s activities to date, including field visits and project activities, preliminary survey results, existing conditions on the corridor, major considerations, and preliminary recommendations for the roadway.  

Timestamps: Introduction (0:00);  Project Background & Goals (1:44): Data Collection/ Existing Conditions (7:24); Major Considerations (16:29); Preliminary Recommendations (19:07); Next Steps (30:46)
Presentation Slides

Links to Accompanying Resources


Roadway Usage Community Survey Question Results as of September 10, 2021

Stakeholder Meetings
Stakeholder meetings were held on June 29 and June 30 for residents and business owners/tenants who live or conduct business along the study corridor.  
Residents Meeting (June 29):

Business Owners/Tenants & Property Owners Meeting (June 30):
Contact: Shawn Conrad

Click on the links below for additional Sustainable Development planning studies.

- Bike/Pedestrian Planning Studies
- TOD Planning Studies

Current Plans Underway
County Efforts
Project Name [PDF] Description City County Deliverable [PDF]
Ellis County Sustainable Subdivision Regulations (2012) Study to improve zoning and building requirements in the rural sections of Ellis County due to prior stormwater flooding N/A Ellis Final Report

Multi-City Efforts
Project Name [PDF] Description City County Deliverable [PDF]
Southern Dallas County Infrastructure Analysis (2012) Framework and implementation program to support growth of Inland Port in Southern Dallas County to spur development. Dallas, Ferris, Hutchins, Lancaster, Wilmer Dallas Final Report

City Efforts
Project Name [PDF] Description City County Deliverable [PDF]
Burleson TOD Master Plan (2012) Plan for redevelopment and transportation strategies for the Burleson West TOD District and downtown. Burleson Johnson Final Report
West Dallas Signature
Point Project
Study focusing on public infrastructure needs in the West Dallas area. Dallas Dallas Final Report
City Center
Development Plan
Refinement of the City Center Vision Plan (2010) to develop regulations and development strategies. Cedar Hill Dallas Final Report
Cleburne Downtown Master Plan (2014) Plan providing a vision and roadmap for Downtown Cleburne. Cleburne Johnson Final Report
Berry/University Development Plan 
Plan to transform the
Berry Street Corridor into a walkable, transit-oriented,
mixed-use community.
Fort Worth Tarrant Final Report
Transit-Oriented Redevelopment Plan 

Redevelopment plan addressing existing conditions within three Targeted Investment Areas in the Forest-Jupiter Transit-Oriented Redevelopment District. Garland Dallas Final Report
Downtown Wylie Strategic Plan  (2021) Strategic plan for enhancing multimodal transportation and economic development in Downtown Wylie. Wylie Collin Final Report

Corridor Efforts
Project Name [PDF] Description City County Deliverable [PDF]
Hickory Tree Road Planning Study  (2022) Study providing recommendations to enhance bicycle and pedestrian safety and access to destinations on the corridor, provide congestion relief, and support economic development. Balch Springs Dallas Final Report
LBJ Skillman Urban Planning Initiative  (2014) Analysis of strategic opportunity vision areas resulting from reclaimed land after reconstruction of the IH 635 and Skillman Street interchange. Dallas Dallas Final Report
State Highway 5 Corridor Context Sensitive Master Plan  (2014) Study investigating ways to revitalize the SH 5 corridor into a context-sensitive urban thoroughfare. McKinney Dallas Final Report
Northwest Highway and Preston Road Area Plan  (2016) Study examining existing conditions, future needs, and recommended improvements in the Northwest Highway and Preston Road area. Dallas Dallas Final Report
State Highway 183 Corridor Master Plan, Phase I - River Oaks Blvd. (2016) Plan using context-sensitive design principles for SH 183  from SH 199 to the Trinity River to improve multimodal options and enhance livability in communities surrounding the NAS Fort Worth JRB. River Oaks Tarrant Final Report
State Highway 183 Corridor Master Plan, Phase II -Trinity River to IH 30 (2018) Plan using context-sensitive design principles for SH 183  from the Trinity River to I-30 to improve multimodal options, livability, and access to the NAS Fort Worth JRB. Westworth Village, White Settlement, Fort Worth Tarrant Final Report
State Highway 199
(Jacksboro Highway) Corridor Master Plan (2017)
Corridor master plan providing context-sensitive principles and recommendations to improve livability, provide transportation options, and improve drainage in the SH 199 corridor. Lake Worth, Sansom Park, Fort Worth, River Oaks Tarrant Final Report
Volume I
Volume II
Volume III
Volume IV

Neighborhood Efforts
Project Name [PDF] Description City County Deliverable [PDF]
Bachman Lake Area Planning Study (2022) Study addressing safety projects, access to parks and trails, access to Love Field, and other transportation projects in the Bachman Lake/Northwest Highway area. Dallas Dallas Final Report
UNT Dallas Area Context Sensitive Transportation Study  (2011) Plan for roadway options and a bicycle and pedestrian network in the area around UNT-Dallas. Dallas Dallas Final Report
Garland Road Vision Study  (2010) Study addressing circulation, land use development, and strategic opportunities for redevelopment catalyst areas. Dallas Dallas Final Report
Evans & Rosedale Area Housing Study and Design Guidelines  (2009) Urban village standards and guidelines for prototypical housing plans to redevelop aging, historic housing in the Evans/Rosedale area. Fort Worth Tarrant Final Report
Hurst-Bellaire Sustainable Redevelopment Plan  (2009) Plan analyzing redevelopment scenarios for the Bellaire Area focusing on arts district and public places. Hurst Tarrant Final Report
Discover Division: Division Street Corridor Strategy  (2012) Land use, transportation, design, and funding options to reshape Division Street into a mixed-use corridor. Arlington Tarrant Final Report
Dallas Preston Center Garage Study  (2020) Feasibility study for underground garage with at-grade park and other potential options to replace the existing Preston Center garage. Dallas Dallas Final Report
Transit-Oriented Development Plan  (2009) Plan for redeveloping light industrial uses near the Richland Hills Trinity Railway Express station. Richland Hills Tarrant Final Report