Local Government

Local governments play an important role in helping the region achieve better air quality by educating the public on, implementing, and enforcing anti-idling restrictions. One of the first steps to reduce and potentially eliminate unnecessary idling is to implement an idling restriction ordinance.  There are several options a city, county, or local jurisdiction can go about doing this. 


The Implementation Stage is the first step in restricting idling of heavy-duty vehicles within a jurisdiction.  Local governments are responsible for adopting an idling restriction ordinance. Upon request, North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) staff will be available to provide information on these restrictions to council members, commissioners, and city/county staff. 


The Education Stage is the next step in restricting idling by promoting awareness of local idle restrictions and providing information to truck drivers on available technologies and funding to reduce excessive idling.  NCTCOG have developed regional anti-idling regulatory signs, informational posters, educational brochures, and an idling complaint hotline and Web site to report idling violators.  Local governments are responsible for ordering and installing signs in areas traditionally known for excessive idling and promoting awareness of restrictions throughout the jurisdiction.


The enforcement stage is the final step in implementing idling restrictions. Local governments are responsible for determining necessary enforcement personnel and procedures to identify and cite violators, and log citations for reporting. NCTCOG staff will provide training on the NCTCOG Emissions Database (NED), which was developed to assist local law enforcement personnel in tracking vehicle emissions violations. NCTCOG staff will also help facilitate discussions among agencies pertaining to the potential availability and dissemination of state funding.

This is an infographic of Local Government Take Action by Engine Off North Texas outlining what NCTCOG can provide including adoption of anti-idling ordinances/enforcing them and educating the public.

Staff Contacts
Trey Pope
Jason Brown