Regional Integration of Sustainability Efforts Coalition

The Regional Integration of Sustainability Efforts (RISE) Coalition, formerly the North Central Texas Stewardship Forum, works to engage interested local governments in peer-exchange opportunities to support sustainability and environmental initiatives.

The North Central Texas Stewardship Forum (Forum) began as an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) grant funded effort dedicated to bringing together North Central Texas (NCT) governmental and quasi-governmental organizations to share best practices, lessons learned and resources to ease the burden of developing and supporting sustainability and environmental initiatives. At the conclusion of the grant, the participating cities and EPA acknowledged the value the Forum brought to communicating and collaborating to achieve environmental goals. The forum rebranded and expanded its composition in Fiscal Year 2020, and is now referred to as the Regional Integration of Sustainability Efforts (RISE) Coalition.

Beginning in Fiscal Year 2025, the Center of Development Excellence (CDE) was integrated into the RISE Coalition. The CDE is a regional program in North Central Texas that is built on collaborative partnerships with a variety of stakeholders including local governments, businesses, private sector professionals and organizations, non-profits, and the public. The CDE aims to create a North Central Texas region that is resilient, sustainable, and provides a high quality of life for residents by providing resources, training, and regional forums to share information, best practices, and technical assistance.

RISE Coalition Work Plan Priorities

For Fiscal Year 2025, the RISE Coalition has established a Work Program to initiate and guide work activities on key topics the Coalition believes are important regional initiatives. The Fiscal Year 2025 Work Plan serves to establish regional collaborative efforts to engage local governments on a broader scale and foster peer exchange on key topics, including, but not limited to:

  • Regional Emissions Assessment
  • Resilience Hubs
  • Engaging with Communities on Sustainability
  • Incoporating Regional Greenspaces
  • 2026 FIFA World Cup

In general, the Fiscal Year 2025 Work Plan supports activities that seek to:

  • Align regional partner initiatives
  • Leverage regional resources and share best practices
  • Provide networking and capacity building opportunities
  • Identify funding opportunities for projects
  • Provide mentorship, educational opportunities, and trainings
  • Encourage innovative development within the region
  • Maintain a clearinghouse of best practices and a library of technical tools
  • Maintain program websites and resources
  • Administer the CLIDE Awards Program for Fiscal Year 2025
  • Collaborate as a group on regional sustainability projects and initiatives

The Coalition will continue to explore new goal areas that provide participants the opportunity to network, leverage regional resources, and share best practices to collaborate and achieve environmental and sustainability goals.


Project Activities 
Regional Greenhouse Gas Inventory and City Cohort  

RISE Coalition Committee Documents:
RISE Coalition Committee Page 

Membership in the RISE Coalition:
Local government members in North Central Texas are invited to join the RISE Coalition. Please visit the RISE Membership page to learn more. Quarterly in-person meetings are posted on the NCTCOG Environment & Development Events Calendar and on the RISE Coalition website. The Coalition is guided by Bylaws. A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) has been developed to clarify membership options and participation opportunities.

The membership structure of the Coalition consists of the following:

  1. Voting Members: 
    • ​​Voting members must be members of NCTCOG, a university, or a non-profit Environmental/Public Interest Group related to sustainability, and be cost-sharing participants of the RISE Coalition.
  2. Non-Voting Members:
    • Local governments who are eligible for NCTCOG membership but are not members of NCTCOG
    • Local governments who are NCTCOG members but are not Coalition paying participants
    • Private Sector and Industry representatives, which can include individuals from relevant industries, professional associations, or other appropriate private entities
    • Federal or State Entities (EPA, TCEQ, etc.)
    • Representatives of interests not otherwise serving on the Coalition may be invited to serve in ex-officio, non-voting capacity to provide advisory assistance to the Coalition.

Past Events and Training
Prior to becoming the RISE Coalition, the Forum engaged regional entities in outreach, educational events, and webinars to create opportunities for peer-exchange and networking among sustainability professionals. These resources are archived and maintained below as references and as resources for communities and partners in the North Central Texas region.

Get added to our email list to keep up to date on RISE Coalition meetings, events, trainings, webinars, etc.:

Administrative Support
The Coalition uses the NCTCOG as a partner and in an administrative capacity to support the activities outlined in the FY2025 Work Plan.  Administrative support is provided by NCTCOG as a fee for service program, or cost-share program. Local governments who participate in the RISE Coalition share the costs of the program and provide that support to NCTCOG in order to carry out the activities identified in the Work Plan.

Events and Webinars

March 2, 2023- North Texas Weatherization Workshop

Hosted by- NCTCOG and RISE Coalition with funding support from the City of Dallas and the Texas State Energy Conservation Office (SECO)
Presentation Slides
Workshop recording on YouTube

June 2, 2022 - Urban Heat Islands and Urban Forests Webinar

Hosted by: NCTCOG, the RISE Coalition, and the Center for Development Excellence
Presentation Slides
Webinar Recording on Youtube

March 11, 2022 - Regional Sustainability Virtual Survey

Hosted by: NCTCOG and the RISE Coalition
Virtual Survey Debrief & Results
Virtual Survey Results Factsheet

February 26, 2020  - Regional Climate Policy Workshop

Hosted by: Greater Dallas Planning Council, NCTCOG, and RISE Coalition 
Regional Climate Action Workshop Opening Presentation 
Water Stewardship -
MillerCoors Fort Worth Brewery
ONCOR View Of Energy Storage, Microgrids, Solar, And Electric Vehicles - ONCOR
DART Sustainability Efforts - DART Capital Planning 
When Scooters Meet Cities - Lime Bike
High-Performance Real Estate and Climate Change: How Dallas 2030 District is Making an Impact - Dallas 2030 District
Southwestern Medical District Streetscape Master Plan: A Prescription For The City Of Dallas - Texas Trees Foundation 
Dallas’ Comprehensive Environmental & Climate Action Plan - City of Dallas

Past Meetings (as the North Texas Stewardship Forum)

2015-2017 Meetings and Presentations

June 27, 2017 - North Central Texas Stewardship Forum Roundtable Discussion
NCT Stewardship Forum Flyer | Agenda |Sign-In Sheet
Developing the NCTSF and City of Fort Worth's Multi-Family Recycling Ordinance | City of Plano's STAR Rating and SolSmart Designation | Center for Development Excellence and CLIDE awards

October 26, 2016 - North Central Texas Energy Forum
Agenda | Legislative, Regulatory and Policy Update | View Video
Energy on Campus Panel - View Video
UT Dallas | UNT | North Lake College | Tarrant County College | Mansfield ISD
LED Lighting Panel - View Video
Oncor Electric | General Services Administration | City of Arlington | Dallas Innovation Alliance
Innovative City and Community Partnerships Panel - View Video
Dallas 2030 District | Fort Worth Better Buildings Challenge | Microgrids -Schneider Electric
Energy Efficiency Funding Panel - View Video 
City of Dallas | PACE | SECO | Oncor Electric
NCTCOG Available Resources | Why Energy Use Matters | Contacts List

October 21, 2015 DFW Area Food Recovery Event
Overview - Kim Mote - Fort Worth | Stephen Sturdivant - EPA
Source Reduction - Blue Zones Project | Austin Resource Recovery
Food Donation - City of Fort Worth | FoodSourceDFW | City of Plano | Pizza Hut | City of Dallas
Alternative Uses - Anaerobic Co-digestion | Cease the Grease
Composting - Backyard Composting | UTA Composting | Plano Composting
EPA Resources: Loss Prevention for Grade Schools | Universities | Grocery Stores | Restaurants | Manufacturers

October 13, 2014 - North Central Texas Stewardship Forum Roundtable Discussion
Agenda | Forum Overview | Air Quality Roundup | Solarize Plano | Tree Canopy Info

July 13, 2016 - Litter in North Central Texas
EPA – Plastics in the Environment | City of Fort Worth – Litter Prevention and Abatement
Trinity Trash Free Waters Initiative | Tarrant Regional Water District – Reverse Litter

March 30, 2016 - Go Solar North Texas: Encouraging Solar Energy Adoption in North Central Texas 
NCTCOG Go Solar Presentation | Oncor and Solar | Plano's Residential Energy Improvement Program | Solar Powering America by Recognizing Communities

November 18, 2015 - Monarch Butterfly Webinar
Monarch & Native Pollinator Conservation Strategies | Monarch Butterfly Discussion | The Marvelous Monarch

July 15, 2015 - Multi-Family Recycling: A Golden Opportunity for Increasing Recycling 
Regional Waste Management Resources Webinar PPT | Briefing on Fort Worth Multi-family Recycling Ordinance | Villas at Chase Oaks Recycling

May 6, 2015 - Too Good to Waste: Experiences with Curbside Organics Collection and Recovering Food 
San Antonio Curbside Organics Program | Food Recovery in School Cafeterias | Food Recovery Network Guide | DRAFT Food Donation Checklist

March 11, 2015 - Construction and Demolition Waste
Green Business Certification
Plano Green Business Presentation | Checklist Office-Retail | Plano C&D Deposit Program
Contact Information

NCTCOG Staff Contacts

Corinne Buckley
(817) 704-2510

Crysta Guzman
(817) 695-9107

Cassidy Campbell
(817) 608-2368