Regional Tire Task Force

The FY2024-2025 Regional Tire Collection Events
Call for Sponsorship has closed.

NCTCOG's Environment and Development department has allocated funding for sponsoring tire collection events across the North Central Texas region. Cities and counties can either host an event for residents or collect tires from an illegal dump site on public property. All events and cleanup activities must be complete by May 31, 2025*. This opportunity will operate on a first-come, first-serve basis.

If you are interested in hosting a tire collection event or performing a tire clean up on public property, please review the below requirements and email your completed application to Alexa Gilbert at by close of business Thursday, March 6, 2025*.


  • The participating entity must be eligible to receive solid waste funding from NCTCOG (must be within NCTCOG’s 16-county region, a city, county, or special law district.)
  • The participating entity must provide NCTCOG with an estimated cost of the tire collection event in the original request for sponsorship. If selected for sponsorship, NCTCOG will enter into an Interlocal Agreement with the entity to provide us with the ability to sponsor your event.
  • The participating entity must be able to procure their own tire collection vendor.
  • The participating entity must provide background documentation of the procurement process for NCTCOG’s review.
  • The participating entity must be able to properly advertise their event to residents.
  • The participating entity and/or tire collection vendor must provide the manifests from the event that include the number of tires collected to NCTCOG at the conclusion of the event.
  • The participating entity must pay for the tire collection vendor up front and be reimbursed by NCTCOG.
  • The participating entity must provide proper backup documentation of the payment to be reimbursed for the event, as per the standard Request for Reimbursement guidelines for the FY2024-2025 solid waste pass-through grants.
  • All above items must take place by May 31, 2025*, to ensure NCTCOG has the ability to reimburse the event.

Reimbursement Documents

* Indicates a new deadline to accommodate program extension

This program is funded through a solid waste management grant provided by TCEQ.



The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) is the state-designated planning agency for municipal solid waste in the 16-county region. NCTCOG works with local public and private sector leaders to analyze regional information, needs, and issues related to responsible and sustainable materials management.  The proper management of scrap tires is one significant challenge the North Central Texas region is facing.

There are few end markets for scrap tires and disposing of them properly is currently expensive and inconvenient, which frequently results in illegal dumping.  Illegally dumped tires are not just unsightly, but also pose environmental and health hazards by polluting waterways with contaminated stormwater runoff and attracting rodents and mosquitos which carry disease.  Prosecuting and remediating illegally dumped scrap tires is difficult and extremely costly which indicates that preventing tires from being dumped is the most cost-effective method for managing this challenge.

The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) Transportation Department, in partnership with the Environment and Development Department, established the Regional Tire Task Force in December 2021 to implement strategies to address the scrap tire related challenges faced by the North Central Texas region.  The Regional Tire Task Force participants will provide expertise and guidance to NCTCOG regarding the prioritization and implementation of these strategies.

Regional Tire Task Force Meetings