Wastewater And Treatment Education Roundtable

The Wastewater And Treatment Education Roundtable (WATER) is an educational partnership between the North Central Texas Council of Governments, municipalities, and water utilities in the North Texas region. WATER's mission is to help reduce potential damage to the region's household plumbing systems and wastewater treatment systems as well as to decrease hazards to water quality through educational efforts related to the proper disposal of items such as wipes; paper towels; feminine hygiene and personal care products; medicines; household hazardous waste; and fats, oils, and grease (FOG).

The Wastewater and Treatment Education Roundtable is supported by an annual Work Program and individual cost shares provided by local participants. For information on this year's Work Program and how to financially contribute to WATER's efforts, please view the linked Work Program below. 

FY2025 WATER Work Program

2024 Holiday Grease Roundup Marketing Materials


Next Meeting Date

April 17, 2025 - 10:00 AM

Meeting Info

This meeting will held in person at the Traphene Hickman Library
450 Pioneer Trail
Cedar Hill, TX 75104

Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP by Monday, April 14th and let us know of any dietary restrictions or allergies.

An agenda for this meeting is pending and will be posted to the committee page prior to the meeting.


July 26, 2017
April 26, 2017
February 8, 2017
November 1, 2016



July 23, 2015
January 20, 2015
November 6, 2014


August 21, 2014
June 24, 2014