Tools and Resources for Building, Fire and Other Codes

How to adopt a set of codes

How to Update Building Codes: A Primer and Resources for Cities in Need - webinar presented on July 1, 2020, cohosted by NCTCOG and SPEER. Watch the webinar here. 

School Needs and Benefits Assessment Resources: Office of State and Community Energy Programs - The link takes you to a compiled list of resources that schools can use to develop a baseline energy needs assessment for a school facility. These resources can help schools calculate the expected energy efficiency, energy savings, and safety benefits of different energy improvements (i.e., lighting upgrades, HVAC improvements, etc.). Applicants to the U.S. Department of Energy’s Renew America's Schools program may utilize any of these resources to develop a baseline energy needs assessment if they do not have other needs assessment reports available.

Regional Codes Coordinating Committee Support Statement: Solar Ready Provisions - document in support of the the Solar-Ready Provisions of the IRC and IBC.

2023 Construction Cost Trends: Insights and Impacts from Across the Industry - slide deck from a webinar presented by Gordian.

Better Buildings Solution Center: The Better Buildings Solution Center houses over 3,000 resources shared by Better Buildings partners and other stakeholders. These replicable solutions help organizations bolster their bottom line, advance technology innovation, create jobs, and spur energy efficiency investments. Resources are tagged by sector, topic, and other characteristics to help you easily find what you are looking for.

Electronic Plan Submittal Guideline - intended to support the standardization of the process by which electronic plan documents are submitted.  The RCCC is recommending adoption of this Electronic Plan Submittal Guideline and Proposed Number System by cities in the North Central Texas region in order to standardize the process by which electronic plans are submitted.

List of Accomplishments of FY2022 Flyer

List of Accomplishments of FY2021 Flyer
Fiscal Year 2021 Work Program Flyer