
Thank you for your interest in presenting at the North Texas Public Works Roundup! Volunteers willing to share their insight and experience on topics of interest contribute to a successful Roundup. Please consider submitting an abstract for the upcoming Roundup based on the identified topics of interest (vary every year). Private companies submitting an abstract must co-present with a public agency.
The 10 topics of interest identified for the 25th Annual Public Works Roundup are listed below. Specific topic examples are also provided. To submit an abstract by June 17, please use this link. Presentations typically last about 30 minutes; however, please indicate in the survey the ideal length.
Topics | Examples |
1. Transportation | a. EV parking implementation b. Floodplain and drainage challenges in transportation projects and solutions c. Traffic signal operations with the INRIX Signal Analytics platform d. Broadband and how it affects transportation projects that are planned and active e. Connected Workzones & USDOT Workzone Data Exchange f. Proper warning devices for public works vehicles |
2. Technology | a. AI uses b. GIS c. Drone data collection |
3. Right-of-Way | a. Franchise/private utilities in the ROW (e.g., permits and inspections) b. How to coordinate joint use issues (e.g., poles left in the ROW) c. ROW, prescriptive ROW, and easements (gas pipelines, electric transmission lines, etc.) d. Signs and markings in the ROW, proper use of PCMS (Portable Changeable Message Sign) |
4. Sustainable Development | a. Economic development - sustainable walkable and livable communities b. Share-use paths, trails regional connectivity - heavy planning by agencies, funding, and stakeholders c. Composting d. Solar lighting for municipal uses |
5. Concrete and Asphalt | a. Design of asphalt and concrete paving b. Sustainable considerations with asphalt mix design - utilizing EPDs (environmental product declarations) and recycled materials |
6. Asset Management | |
7. Funding | a. Grants b. Alternative funding and revenues |
8. Project Management | a. Project management software tools - implementation and usage b. Project management/construction management for transportation projects - examples |
9. Public and Stakeholder Engagement | a. Plans b. Engaging with Public Officials |
10. Resilient Workplace | a. Employee recruitment and retention b. Leadership and strategies |