2019 Public Works Roundup
The North Central Texas Council of Governments hosted the 20th Annual Public Works Roundup on May 21st, 2019 at the Grapevine Convention Center in Grapevine. The Roundup was attended by nearly 200 Public Works Professionals from around our region and covered topics on asset management, sustainable public rights of way, utilizing drones, and more.
Thank you to all of our speakers, sponsors, and attendees that made this event a success! We look forward to seeing you next year!
2019 Public Workshop Roundup Presentations:
Keynote: Meeting the Region’s Thirst for Water, NTMWD’s Bois d’Arc Reservoir
R.J. Muraski, Assistant Deputy – Capital Improvement Program, North Texas Municipal Water District
NCTCOG Presentation: Benefits of NCTCOG’s Public Works Program
Edith Marvin, Director, Environment & Development, NCTCOG
Bridging the Infrastructure Funding Gap
Kevin Shepherd, Verdunity
Fort Worth’s Storm Drain Rehabilitation Program: Cowtown’s Approach to Wrangling Storm Drains
Matt Stahl, Halff Associates
Risk Assessment & Resiliency for Design Rainfall
Robert Armstrong & Allison Wood, Huitt-Zollars, Inc.
Developing a Local Floodplain Management Program in Fort Worth
Jennifer Dyke, City of Fort Worth
Drones: A Positive Solution in a Municipal Scenario
Tim James, Halff Associates
Looking Through Pavement: The Benefits of Having Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) Data Prior to Street Construction
Chris Ernst, TNP
The 7 Habits of Highly Dysfunctional Leaders
Jim Proce, City of Anna
Keynote Speaker
Topic: Meeting the Region's Thirst for Water, NTMWD's Bois d'Arc Reservoir
Richard J. Muraski Jr. (R.J.) PMP
Assistant Deputy - Capital Improvement Program,
North Texas Municipal Water District
As the Assistant Deputy Director - Capital Improvement Program (CIP), Planning and Permitting, R.J. Oversees all aspects of the (CIP) consisting of planning, engineering and construction, along with Master Planning for the District which averages over $400M per year. Along with the Planning Program Manager, they develop capital program priorities and procedures, lead and supervise planning professionals and technical staff to achieve District goals. He works closely with water, wastewater, and solid waste operating divisions and engineering to identify, define, and implement capital projects. Additionally, he communicates and collaborates with senior personnel from member and customer cities and other agencies to plan future needs.
Thank you to all of our Sponsors!



