Relevant Committees
NCTCOG's Regional Codes Coordinating Committee (RCCC) and its five advisory boards conducted multiple meetings to review the latest editions of the model codes and develop regional amendments. Their review and recommendations are endorsed by NCTCOG's Executive Board. NCTCOG encourages jurisdictions in North Central Texas to adopt the following model construction codes along with their respective regional amendments as expeditiously as their local code adoption process will allow.
The 2021 Recommended Regional Amendments are available for download. These documents were approved for distribution by Executive Board at their July 22, 2021 and October 28, 2021 meetings. The 2023 NEC amendments were approved at the August 24, 2023 Executive Board meeting.
The 2024 DRAFT Recommended Regional Amendments are available for download below. These documents are slated for Executive Board review at their March 27, 2025 meeting. Please contact Hannah Ordonez at or Joy Douglas at with any questions.
Proposed Regional Amendments
Recommended Codes and Regional Amendments | Download Format |
2024 International Building Code - Regional Amendments | PDF (Draft) |
2024 IBC Special Inspections Document | PDF (Draft) |
2024 International Existing Building Code - Regional Amendments | PDF (Draft) |
2024 International Residential Code - Regional Amendments | PDF (Draft) |
2024 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code - Regional Amendments | PDF (Draft) |
2024 International Plumbing Code - Regional Amendments | PDF (Draft) |
2024 International Mechanical Code - Regional Amendments | PDF (Draft) |
2024 International Fuel Gas Code - Regional Amendments | PDF (Draft) |
2024 International Energy Conservation Code - Regional Amendments | PDF (Draft) |
2024 IECC Checklists and Documents | PDF (Draft) |
2024 International Fire Code - Regional Amendments | PDF (Draft) |
Current Regional Amendments
Recommended Codes and Regional Amendments | Download Format |
2021 International Building Code - Regional Amendments | PDF or Word |
2021 International Existing Building Code - Regional Amendments | PDF or Word |
2021 International Residential Code - Regional Amendments | PDF or Word |
2021 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code - Regional Amendments | PDF or Word |
2021 International Plumbing Code - Regional Amendments | PDF or Word |
2021 International Mechanical Code - Regional Amendments | PDF or Word |
2021 International Fuel Gas Code - Regional Amendments | PDF or Word |
2021 International Energy Conservation Code - Regional Amendments | PDF or Word |
2021 International Fire Code - Regional Amendments | PDF or Word |
2018 International Wildland Urban Interface Code Opinion Statement | PDF or Word |
2023 National Electrical Code Amendments | Download Format |
2023 National Electrical Code - Regional Amendments | PDF or Word |
Energy-Related Amendments, Guidance, and Methodology | Download Format |
Residential Buildings Compliance Path | |
Residential Buildings Compliance Certificate | |
Commissioning Compliance Checklist | |
Energy Systems Laboratory IECC Amendments Letter | PDF or Word |
IBC Special Inspections Documents are available: PDF or Word
Explanation of Options A and B:
Please note that as there is a wide range in firefighting philosophies / capabilities of cities across the region, Option A and Option B are provided in the Fire and Building Code amendments. Jurisdictions should choose one or the other based on their firefighting philosophies/capabilities when adopting code amendments.
Past Codes
2018 Recommended Codes and Regional Amendments | Download Format |
2018 International Building Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] [Word] |
•2018 Approved Agency Documentation | [PDF] [Word] |
•2018 Final Report | [PDF] [Word] |
•2018 Statement of Required Special Inspections | [PDF] [Word] |
•2018 Special Inspections Program | [PDF] [Word] |
2018 International Existing Building Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] [Word] |
2018 International Residential Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] [Word] |
2018 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] [Word] |
2018 International Plumbing Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] [Word] |
2018 International Mechanical Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] [Word] |
2018 International Fuel Gas Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] [Word] |
2018 International Energy Conservation Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] [Word] |
2018 International Fire Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] [Word] |
2018 International Wildland Urban Interface Code Opinion Statement | [PDF] [Word] |
2017 National Electrical Code Amendments | Download Format |
2017 National Electrical Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] [Word] |
Energy-Related Amendments, Guidance, and Methodology | Download Format |
Residential Buildings Compliance Path | [PDF] [Word] |
Residential Buildings Compliance Certificate | [PDF] [Word] |
Commissioning Compliance Checklist | [PDF] [Word] |
Energy Systems Laboratory IECC Amendments Letter | [PDF] [Word] |
Explanation of Options A and B:
Please note that as there is a wide range in firefighting philosophies/capabilities of cities across the region, OPTION “A” and OPTION “B” are provided in the Fire and Building Code amendments. Jurisdictions should choose one or the other based on their firefighting philosophies/capabilities when adopting code amendments.
Significant Changes between 2015 and 2018 Regional Amendments
In November of 2018, NCTCOG held a Regional Code Amendments workshop which covered the significant changes between the 2015 and 2018 regional amendments of the international codes.
Download Presentations View Video of Regional Code Amendments Workshop
NCTCOG's Regional Codes Coordinating Committee (RCCC) and its four advisory boards conducted multiple meetings to review the latest editions of the model codes to develop regional amendments. Their review and recommendations are endorsed by NCTCOG's Executive Board. Currently NCTCOG encourages jurisdictions in North Central Texas to adopt the following model construction codes along with their respective regional amendments as expeditiously as their local code adoption process will allow.
Regional Codes Adoption Guidance and Information | Download Format |
2015 International Green Construction Code Position Paper | |
2015 International Codes and Regional Code Amendments for North Central Texas |
Energy-Related Amendments, Guidance, and Methodology | Download Format |
NCTCOG Sampling Protocol for Groups R2, R3, and R4 Occupancies | PDF or Word |
NCTCOG Approved Methodology for Establishing Code Compliant Multifamily Residences based on Measured Total Air Leakage Results Guidance for Code Officials, Raters, and Builders | PDF or Word |
ACH Tradeoff Guidance - Approved January 31, 2017 | PDF or Word |
Energy Code Requirements of the 2015 IRC (IECC) - Residential Energy Compliance Path Template Form | PDF or Word |
Energy Code Requirements of the 2015 IRC (IECC) - Residential Energy Compliance Certificate Template Form | PDF or Word |
Special Inspections Amendments | Download Format |
Special Inspections Program - Procedures - IBC Section 1704 Special Inspections | PDF or Word |
Special Inspections: Statement of Required Special Inspections | PDF or Word |
Special Inspections: Approved Agency Documentation | PDF or Word |
Special Inspections: Final Report | PDF or Word |
2015 ICC Code Amendments | Download Format |
2015 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code - Regional Amendments | PDF or Word |
2015 International Building Code - Regional Amendments | PDF or Word |
2015 International Existing Building Code - Regional Amendments | PDF or Word |
2015 International Residential Code - Regional Amendments | PDF or Word |
2015 International Fire Code - Regional Amendments | PDF or Word |
2015 International Plumbing Code - Regional Amendments | PDF or Word |
2015 International Mechanical Code - Regional Amendments | PDF or Word |
2015 International Fuel Gas Code - Regional Amendments | PDF or Word |
2015 International Energy Conservation Code - Regional Amendments | PDF or Word |
NCTCOG's Regional Codes Coordinating Committee (RCCC) and its four advisory boards conducted multiple meetings to review the latest editions of the model codes to develop regional amendments. Their review and recommendations are endorsed by NCTCOG's Executive Board. Currently NCTCOG encourages jurisdictions in North Central Texas to adopt the following model construction codes along with their respective regional amendments as expeditiously as their local code adoption process will allow.
Recommended Codes and Regional Amendments | Format | |
2012 International Building Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2012 International Residential Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2012 International Fire Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2012 International Plumbing Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2012 International Mechanical Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2012 International Fuel Gas Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2012 International Energy Conservation Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2014 National Electrical Code Recommended Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2014 NEC - RCCC 90.4 Position Paper | [PDF] | [Word] |
2011 National Electrical Code Recommended Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
NCTCOG's Regional Codes Coordinating Committee (RCCC) and its four advisory boards conducted multiple meetings to review the latest editions of the model codes to develop regional amendments. Their review and recommendations were endorsed by NCTCOG's Executive Board.
Recommended Codes and Regional Amendments | Format | |
2009 International Building Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2009 International Residential Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2009 International Fire Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2009 International Plumbing Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2009 International Mechanical Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2009 International Fuel Gas Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2009 International Energy Conservation Code* - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2011 National Electrical Code Recommended Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
* Senate Bill 5 (SB5), 77th Texas Legislature, requires the Energy Systems Laboratory (ESL) at the Texas Engineering Experiment Station of the Texas A&M University System to assist in determining the impact of local amendments to the energy code. Members of the ESL were involved in the code review process to ensure that the recommended regional amendments to the 2009 International Energy Conservation Code and the energy efficiency chapter of the 2009 International Residential Code were not found to result in less stringent energy efficiency requirements than the statewide energy code.
NCTCOG's Regional Codes Coordinating Committee (RCCC) and its four advisory boards conducts multiple meetings to review the latest editions of the model codes to develop regional amendments. Their review and recommendations were endorsed by NCTCOG's Executive Board. Currently NCTCOG encourages jurisdictions in North Central Texas to adopt the following model construction codes along with their respective regional amendments with a consistent effective date of January 31, 2008.
Recommended Codes and Regional Amendments | Format | |
2006 International Building Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2006 International Residential Code* - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2006 International Fire Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2006 International Plumbing Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2006 International Mechanical Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2006 International Fuel Gas Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2006 International Energy Conservation Code* - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2008 National Electrical Code- Regional Amendments | [PDF] |
* Senate Bill 5 (SB5), 77th Texas Legislature, states that amendments to the statewide energy code may not result in less stringent energy efficiency requirements in nonattainment areas and in affected counties. Further, SB5 requires the Energy Systems Laboratory (ESL) at the Texas Engineering Experiment Station of the Texas A&M University System to assist in determining the impact of local amendments to the energy code. Members of the ESL were involved in the code review process to ensure that the recommended regional amendments to the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code and the energy efficiency chapter of the 2006 International Residential Code were not found to result in less stringent energy efficiency requirements than the statewide energy code.
NCTCOG's Regional Codes Coordinating Committee (RCCC) and its four advisory boards conducted multiple meetings to review the editions of the model codes and to develop regional amendments. Their review and recommendations were completed and endorsed by NCTCOG's Executive Board. In 2003, NCTCOG encouraged jurisdictions in North Central Texas to adopt the following model construction codes along with their respective regional amendments.
2003 Recommended Codes and Regional Amendments | Format | |
2003 International Building Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2003 International Residential Code* - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2003 International Fire Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2003 International Plumbing Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2003 International Mechanical Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2003 International Fuel Gas Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2003 International Energy Conservation Code* - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2002 National Electrical Code- Regional Amendments | [PDF] |
* Senate Bill 5 (SB5), 77th Texas Legislature, states that amendments to the statewide energy code may not result in less stringent energy efficiency requirements in nonattainment areas and in affected counties. Further, SB5 requires the Energy Systems Laboratory (ESL) at the Texas Engineering Experiment Station of the Texas A&M University System to assist in determining the impact of local amendments to the energy code. Members of the ESL were involved in the code review process to ensure that the recommended regional amendments to the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code and the energy efficiency chapter of the 2006 International Residential Code were not found to result in less stringent energy efficiency requirements than the statewide energy code.
In mid 2000, NCTCOG's Regional Codes Coordinating Committee directed its Code Advisory Boards to review the International Code Council's (ICC) 2000 model construction codes. The ICC family of International Codes represents the cooperation of three nationally significant code professional associations: International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc. (SBCCI), and Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc. (BOCA).
The Advisory Boards held open meetings to consider the codes and come to consensus on regional amendments. Over 100 code professionals representing 47 local jurisdictions and professional associations contributed at least 4000 person hours in 44 meetings and work sessions during 2000/2001.
In February 2001, the North Central Texas Council of Governments, upon the recommendation of the Regional Codes Coordinating Committee and its Advisory Boards, encouraged jurisdictions in North Central Texas to adopt the following model construction codes along with their respective regional amendments:
2000 Regional Amendments | Format | |
2000 International Building Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2000 ESL International Residential Code* - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2000 International Fire Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2000 International Plumbing Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2000 International Mechanical Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2000 International Fuel Gas Code - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
2000 ESL International Energy Conservation Code* - Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
1999 National Electrical Code- Regional Amendments | [PDF] | [Word] |
* Received conditional approval from the Energy Systems Laboratory. Please click here for more information.
Please note that consensus could not be reached regarding when automatic fire sprinklers are required because there is such a wide range in fire fighting philosophies/capabilities of cities across the region. Option A and Option B are provided in the Fire and Building Code amendments. Jurisdictions should choose one or the other based on their fire fighting philosophies/capabilities. NCTCOG recommends adopting these codes with no local amendments other than the regional amendments. The ultimate goal is regional uniformity in the model construction codes for the North Central Texas region. The committee members feel strongly that municipalities, contractors, architects, builders, and manufacturers will benefit from the positive economic results coming from achievement of that goal.
Home Builders Association
North Central Texas Council of Governments Executive Board
The following recommendations are the culmination of over 2400 person hours contributed by 152 code professionals representing 58 jurisdictions in 44 meetings spanning 11 months.
In January of 1997, NCTCOG's Regional Codes Coordinating Committee, composed of building professionals from the public and private sector, directed its code review committees to review the latest editions of the model construction codes. The review committees held open meetings to consider the Codes and come to consensus on regional amendments. Many representatives from cities and the private sector participated in these meetings. Numerous local amendments obtained from a regional survey were discussed. Many of them were eventually incorporated into the attached recommendations based on their benefit to business, industry, and property owners and their promotion of public safety.
Therefore, in an effort to simplify the construction process, advance the safety of building systems, promote common code interpretation, facilitate the mobility of contractors, and reduce construction costs, the North Central Texas Council of Governments, upon the recommendation of the Regional Codes Coordinating Committee and its code review committees, encourages your jurisdiction to adopt the following model construction codes with "regional amendments."
1997 Regional Amendments
- 1997 Uniform Building Code – Regional Amendments
- 1997 Uniform Fire Code – Regional Amendments
- 1997 International Plumbing Code – Regional Amendments
- 1997 International Mechanical Code – Regional Amendments
- 1999 National Electrical Code – Regional Amendments
Attached are resolutions, passed by NCTCOG's Executive Board, encouraging area jurisdictions to adopt these codes along with the attached regionally formulated amendments. For the benefit of builders and contractors, jurisdictions were also encouraged to set a regionally consistent code effective date of March 1, 1998. The 1999 NEC is recommended for adoption January 1, 2000.
Please note that consensus could not be reached on when automatic fire sprinklers are required because there is such a wide range in fire fighting philosophies/capabilities of cities across the region. It was decided that the best course of action was to provide an Option A and Option B in the Fire and Building Code amendments. Cities should choose one or the other.
Please note that NCTCOG recommends adopting these codes with no local amendments other than the regional amendments. The ultimate goal is regional uniformity in the model construction codes for the North Central Texas region. The members of the committees feel strongly that municipalities, contractors, architects, builders, and manufacturers will benefit from the positive economic results coming from achievement of that goal. As a follow-up measure, NCTCOG's Regional Codes Coordinating Committee intends to submit these amendments as proposed changes during the next code change cycle of the respective codes.