Permittee Responsible Mitigation

Permittee Responsible Mitigation Database

The Permittee Responsible Mitigation (PRM) Database connects permit applicants and landowners for mutual benefit; with the agreement of both parties and approval by the US Army Corps of Engineers, the permit applicant will restore or enhance the landowner’s streams or wetlands, offsetting (or mitigating) the environmental losses created at a construction project site.

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Disclaimer: This website is maintained by the NCTCOG. NCTCOG and the USACE do not guarantee the projects entered will be selected for further review, nor do they guarantee the eligibility of the projects shown on the database.
To become permitted, all requirements outlined in the Final Rule on Compensatory Mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources (Federal Register Vol. 73, No. 70; April 10, 2008) and in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 33, Part 332.8, must be adhered to, in addition to Fort Worth District Mitigation Guidelines.


Website Coverage Area

Currently this website only provides data for Texas. This area covers most of Central and Northern Texas, excluding the coast, far West, and panhandle.

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