The North Central Texas Council of Governments maintains a Materials Management Resource Center. The following is a list of items that can be found at the Resource Center. Some of the items available on-line through the Internet may not be available in hard copy. The resource center is available to the public for use at NCTCOG offices, located at 616 Six Flags Drive (first floor), Arlington, Texas, during regular business hours. Please contact the Materials Management Team by phone at 817-695-9210, or by email at if you have any questions.
Texas Legislative Session
Federal Statutes
Federal Regulations
- 40 CFR, Parts 240-281
Federal Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
State Statutes
- Texas Health & Safety Code, Chapters 341, 343, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 368, 371
- Alternate Site:
State Regulations
- 30 TAC 330, Municipal Solid Waste Management Regulations
- 30 TAC 305, General Permitting Rules for Discharge From Any Point Source
- 30 TAC 312, Sludge Rules
- 30 TAC 332, Composting Rules
State Agencies
- Solid Waste/Materials Management "Bills to Watch" Legislative Matrix
- Time To Recycle
- Report Illegal DFW Dumping
List of Studies
Source Reduction and Recycling- NCTCOG 2010 Regional Recycling Rate Update - 2011 – (Phase II) [PDF]
- Recycling Contract Negotiation Guidebook - 2009
- Regional Recycling Ordinance and Building Design Guidelines - 2009
- Regional Recycling Rate Benchmarking Study (Phase I) - 2007 (Updated August 2011)
Construction and Demolition (C&D) - 2007
- Construction and Demolition Waste Minimization Strategies for NCT Region - 2005
- Regional Construction and Demolition Debris Reduce/Reuse/Recycle (R3) Study - 2003
- Construction and Demolition Material Recovery Facility (MRF) Feasibility Study
- Regional and Local Review of MSW Facility Applications - 2005 [PDF]
- Review of County Solid Waste Facility Siting and Rural Service Needs - 2006 [PDF]
- Disaster Debris Management - 2005
Disposal Needs Study
Rural & Underserved Area Disposal Needs Study - 2003
- Collin County Edition
- Dallas County Edition
- Denton County Edition
- Ellis County Edition
- Erath County Edition
- Hood County Edition
- Hunt County Edition
- Johnson County Edition
- Kaufman County Edition
- Navarro County Edition
- Palo Pinto County Edition
- Parker County Edition
- Rockwall County Edition
- Somervell County Edition
- Tarrant County Edition
- Wise County Edition
- Combined Full Version
Illegal Dumping
- Cost/Benefit Analysis Study - 2003
- Targeted Dumper Study - 2001
- Keep Texas Beautiful
- Find Your KTB Affiliate here.
- State of Texas Alliance for Recycling (STAR)
- Find Your Regional Chapter here.
- TxSWANA (Lone Star Chapter of the Solid Waste Association of North America)
- Municipal Solid Waste Management and Resource Recovery Advisory Council
- North Texas Corporate Recycling Association (NTCRA)
- Take Care of Texas
- Getting Clean by Going Green
- Guide to Going Green at School
- Green Education Foundation
School Waste Reduction Plans
- Catch the Cycle: A Guide for Implementing a School Recycling Program
- Guide to Conducting Student Food Waste Audits
- Keep Austin Beautiful's Generation Zero Waste
- EPA: Construction and Demolition Debris - describes a wide range of C&D debris reduction techniques, case studies, publications and factsheets
- California Integrated Waste Management Board - Construction and Demolition Recycling Homepage
- King County Solid Waste Division, Seattle, WA - Construction, Demolition and Land clearing Debris Recycling information
- City of Plano C&D Recycling Program - recycling information, staff contacts and list of C&D recyclers in the Plano area
- Healthy Watersheds Consortium Grants Program (The U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities released its first Request for Proposals soliciting proposals for the Healthy Watershed consortium Grants Program. This is the new delivery mechanism for grant funding under EPA’s Healthy Watershed Program. There are three different categories of proposals with differing funding amounts).
- EPA Environmental Education (EE) Grants (Under the Environmental Education Grants Program, EPA seeks grant proposals from eligible applicants to support environmental education projects that promote environmental awareness and stewardship and help provide people with the skills to take responsible actions to protect the environment. Since 1992, EPA has distributed between $2 and $3.5 million in grant funding per year, supporting more than 3,600 grants).
- Foam Recycling Coalition Grant Program (The Foam Recycling Coalition, part of the Foodservice Packaging Institute, seeks grant proposals from eligible applicants to support increased recycling or packaging made from foam polystyrene. Both public and private organizations involved in managing residential curbside recycling programs or material recovery facilities are eligible to apply. Each grant ranges from $15,000-$50,000).
- Grant to Improve Access to Residential Curbside Recycling Systems (The Recycling Partnership has just released its latest Request for Proposals, which is geared specifically to help counties, municipalities, tribes, and solid waste authorities with 4,000 or more households upgrade to cart-based collection).
- Cigarette Litter Prevention Program from Keep America Beautiful
- Closed Loop Fund – Request for Projects focused on the expansion of MRFs and related infrastructure and services. Primary categories include collection, sortation, and processing/end markets. A secondary RFP through Closed Loop Partners was issued 3/8/17 for Expanding Polypropylene (PP) Plastic Recycling Markets and Infrastructure.
- Environmental Research and Education Foundation Grants: The sustainability movement has reached the business models of nearly every industry in the United States, and many companies, municipalities and states have set aggressive sustainability goals that include how waste stream are being managed. The EREF Board of Directors has set an initiative to ensure research funded reflects EREF’s long-term strategic plan to address all areas of integrated solid waste management, with a strong focus towards research that increased sustainable solid waste management practices.
- Unused Medications Poster
- How-to Guide for Drug Take-Back: Making a Pharmacy-Based Collection Program for Leftover Household Pharmaceuticals
- Product Stewardship Institute Webinars:
- City of Duncanville Southwest Regional Emergency Management Disaster Debris Management Plan
- City of Weatherford Waste Minimization Evaluation Study
FY2020-2021 Grant Cycle
- City of Euless Multi-City Disaster Debris Preparedness Program:
- City of Bedford Disaster Debris Management Plan
- City of Colleyville Disaster Debris Management Plan
- City of Euless Disaster Debris Management Plan
- City of Grapevine Disaster Debris Management Plan
- City of Hurst Disaster Debris Management Plan
- City of Burleson Disaster Debris Management Plan
- City of Southlake Disaster Debris Management Plan
- City of Garland Recycling and Waste Minimization Technical Study
FY2022-2023 Grant Cycle
- City of Weatherford Regional Compost Study & Implementation Plan
- City of Grand Prairie Disaster Debris Management Plan