Center of Development Excellence

The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG), together with private and public partners, works to help create a sustainable North Texas that is recognized nationwide as a center of development excellence. Our goal is for North Texas to be a region where residents, businesses, and visitors enjoy a built environment that creates a true sense of place; uses water, energy, and environmental resources effectively and efficiently; protects a diversity of habitats; reduces vehicle miles traveled (VMT); and supports public health and quality of life. To achieve these aims, regional leaders have adopted Principles of Development Excellence and NCTCOG carries out various strategic initiatives. These include support for Vision North Texas, the CLIDE Awards Program, a regional repository of best practicessustainable development activities, and many others.


Census 2020 Regional Workshop

The North Central Texas Council of Governments hosted a workshop for members on February 4, 2020. Three members – cities of Arlington, Dallas, and Plano – spoke about their Complete Count Committee activities, resources, and lessons learned throughout the preparation process. Access the presentations here

A panel made up of the speakers, a Census Bureau representative, and a Complete Count chair, answered questions from attendees. Information on available resources, ideas on how to present information, and also how the Census Bureau can help were highlighted. A list of Census Bureau Strategic Partnerships for the NCTCOG area is attached here.

Some Denton County materials are available, provided through our member communities. Resources include a bookmark, English language flyers, and English/Spanish language flyers. These do not have community identifiers, so you may add your logo as needed.

Dallas County census information is available at

Tarrant County census information is available at

Library of Technical Tools

We have a library of information which contains sustainable planning documents and best practices, including but not limited to, zoning ordinances, Form-based Codes, comprehensive plans, thoroughfare plans, Transit-Oriented Development, design guidelines, incentives, and other innovative local and regional government practices from the North Central Texas region, as well as around the country, that might serve as practical examples of tools to aid you in providing sustainable planning and development and advance our mission.

 Access the Library of Technical Tools


CLIDE Awards

Celebrating Leadership iDevelopment Excellence (CLIDE) awards. Begun in 2003, the Map of Past CLIDE Awards RecipientsCLIDE Awards recognize projects, developments, and private or public programs that exemplify the region's Principles of Development Excellence. For more information, look here.

During the 2023 CLIDE Awards cycle, 6 recipients from among 14 applicants were honored at the North Central Texas Council of Governments' General Assembly in June 2023. 

2023 CLIDE Award Winners

More about CLIDE and previous CLIDE recipients