Solid Waste Infrastructure For Recycling

As 1 of 5 recipients of the Solid Waste Infrastructure For Recycling (SWIFR) grant award through cooperation with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, NCTCOG is developing a project related to preparing the types of documents required for establishing or modifying organic materials (food waste, yard waste, etc.) collection services.
At the request of the Resource Conservation Council (RCC), NCTCOG prepared and issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) #2024-122 with proposals due by April 22, 2024. Two (2) proposals were received and publicly opened. Proposals were evaluated by a committee comprised of regional subject matter experts from the RCC. Following evaluation, the Evaluation Committee recommended a contract award to Resource Recycling Systems (RRS). NCTCOG has since awarded a contract to RRS for Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling Support to prepare the types of documents required for establishing or modifying organic collection services in the NCTCOG region.
The selected contractor will develop a library of documents including but not limited to template requests for proposals RFPs, template contracts, model ordinances, and other resources that communities may need when establishing or modifying collection and hauling services that accommodate organic materials management. These documents will ultimately be used to help communities streamline the process of procuring organic materials collection and hauling services to allow more communities to provide cost effective organics collection services for their residents. While this proposal’s scope of work is comparable to the Community Contract Development Assistance Project’s scope which focuses on traditional recycling and waste management services, the Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling grant project will solely focus on organic materials management services.