L0278 NFIP CRS Course
Monday, August 11, 2025 - Thursday, August 14, 2025, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
TDI Instructor-Led Training
This course has not been cancelled, but the registration link through FEMA-EMI is no longer live. For now, please register directly with NCTCOG via this survey. You will be notified by NCTCOG via email if your registration has been accepted or if you are on the waitlist. Then, once the registration link through FEMA-EMI is live again, we will ask you to officially register that way.
This course covers the Community Rating System (CRS), a nationwide initiative of FEMA's National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). It describes activities eligible for credit under the 2017 CRS Coordinator's Manual, how a community applies, and how a community modifies an application to improve its classification.
The learner must achieve a minimum passing score of 75% on final knowledge assessments or demonstrate mastery on performance assessments or research assignments to earn the IACET CEU.
Must be a Certified Floodplain Manager, or have completed E0273, Managing Floodplain Development Through the NFIP, or be a full-time floodplain manager with more than 2 years of full-time floodplain management experience, as demonstrated through work in a floodplain management, codes enforcement, or building code field and through work specifically related to floodplain management.
Participants must have an understanding of the NFIP and floodplain management principles. The course material will be difficult to follow without a participant being well-versed in basic concepts of floodplain management.
This course is intended for a wide range of participants including FEMA regional office staff, NFIP state coordinators, regional planning officials, local and tribal government officials, those who perform floodplain services for local governments, and others interested in learning about the CRS to provide technical assistance to communities seeking to apply for CRS credit.
Attendance will be limited to two participants from any one community in any fiscal year.
Special Instructions
L0278 Registration Instructions
FEMA requires online registration for this course. The process requires registering using your FEMA SID number. Directions for both getting a new SID and looking up your SID can be found below. The FEMA SID will also allow you to receive a certificate of completion for the L0278 course from FEMA. Once approved for the course, you will receive a follow up email with more course information.
Please refer to FEMA's Application Process document to take you through the registration process step-by-step. Please also refer to the steps below for information specific to this course.
- To register, click on this link, the NETC Online Admissions Application: https://training.fema.gov/generaladmissionsapplication/staticforms/startapplication.aspx. The site is not compatible with mobile devices, so you will need to use a computer.
- The invitation code is QZ1JM. Enter the code and then "Apply". Then select the L0278/E0278 course and "Apply".
- Throughout the application process, it will ask you for contact information such as address, phone numbers, email, and information about your current job, work experience, etc. Be prepared to move through these questions – if you sit on one page too long, it will time out and you’ll have to start again.
- When describing your activities/responsibilities, please indicate how you meet the prerequisites (e.g., are you a CFM, have you completed E0273/L0273, or are you a floodplain manager with more than 2 years experience?)
- At the page where it asks for attachments – you do not need to upload any attachments.
- IMPORTANT: On the Application Endorsements page – Enter the information below as the Head of Organization. This allows the POC to approve the registration, keep track of registrations, and send follow up emails. Do NOT enter your own supervisor’s information.
- Head of Organization Name: Erin Blackman
- Head of Organization Title: Environment & Development Planner
- Head of Organization Email: eblackman@nctcog.org
Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email stating that the course POC will approve your application. Once approved, you will receive a second confirmation email stating that you are enrolled.
To obtain or lookup a FEMA Student Identification (SID) number:
- Click here: https://cdp.dhs.gov/femasid.
- You will receive your SID number immediately online or through email confirmation. Save this number in a secure location.
- Enter the SID number on your Admissions Application. Applications will not be processed without the FEMA SID.
North Central Texas Council of Governments
William Pitstick Conference Room
616 Six Flags Drive, Centerpoint II
Arlington, TX 76011