Taking Control of Your Health Volunteers
North Central Texas Area Agency on Aging is in need of Taking Control of Your Health volunteers to become leaders for one or more of its Self-Management Resource Center (SMRC) programs. SMRC programs are evidence-based and were originally developed by Stanford University. They include Chronic Disease Self-Management, Diabetes Self-Management, and Chronic Pain Self-Management.
Volunteer Taking Control of Your Health leaders receive initial training either in person or live, usually over a four-day period. Once a volunteer leader completes training, he or she is paired with another leader to lead a series of six workshops.

Each workshop series (Chronic Disease Self-Management, Diabetes Self-Management, and Chronic Pain Self-Management) consists of six classes, held once a week for 2.5 hours. Topics covered during workshops include exercising, eating well, managing stress, and talking to doctors.
If you'd like to become a Taking Control of Your Health volunteer leader, contact Sharon Rowbottom at srowbottom@nctcog.org or complete an application and return it by fax (817-695-9274) or mail (NCTAAA, Attn: Sharon Rowbottom, P.O. Box 5888, Arlington, TX 76005-5888). No prior teaching or health care experience is required.
North Central Texas Area Agency on Aging
P.O. Box 5888
Arlington, TX 76005
Fax 817-695-9274