Health Workshops

North Central Texas Area Agency on Aging is a proud sponsor of A Matter of Balance, Chronic Disease Self-Management, Diabetes Self-Management, and Chronic Pain Self-Management programs.  Workshops are offered free of charge to persons who are at least 60 years of age.

A Matter of Balance

This eight-week workshop helps participants reduce their risk of falling. A Matter of Balance emphasizes practical strategies to reduce fear of falling and increase activity levels.

Participants learn to view falls and fear of falling as controllable, set realistic goals to increase activity, change their environment to reduce fall risk factors, and exercise to increase strength and balance.

This program has been adapted from the original intervention to be more suitable for community-dwelling older adults by allowing small group sessions to be led by a trained facilitator.

For more information about A Matter of Balance classes, contact Kim Mathis at 940-999-1024.

Chronic Disease Self-Management

Self-management programs provide older adults with education and tools they need to help them cope with chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, or arthritis.


The program helps participants manage stress, discuss the benefits of physical activity, good nutrition, and helps participants communicate more effectively with family, friends, and healthcare providers.

Participants also develop action plans related to these topics through structured planning and feedback exercises. Since older adults disproportionately experience chronic diseases, the U.S. Administration on Aging supports the dissemination of self-management programs for chronic diseases.

The Chronic Disease Self-Management program was developed at Stanford University. Results have shown that seniors who participate in the program improved their healthful behaviors and decreased their days in the hospital. Each workshop consists of six classes, held once a week, for 2½ hours.

To find out more about the Chronic Disease Self-Management program, contact Kim Mathis at 940-999-1024.

Diabetes Self-Management

The Stanford University Diabetes Self-Management program consists of six 2½-hour classes, led by health coaches who have successfully completed a course in diabetes management. Workshop topics include: techniques to deal with the symptoms of diabetes; exercise for maintaining and improving strength and endurance; healthy eating; appropriate use of medication; and working more effectively with healthcare providers.

To find out more about the Diabetes Self-Management program, contact Kim Mathis at 940-999-1024.

Chronic Pain Self-Management

The Chronic Pain Self-Management Program consists of six 2½-hour classes, led by two trained facilitators.  Workshop topics include techniques to deal with pain symptoms, fatigue and depression; manage medications; eat well; increase activity; and communicate more effectively with family, friends, and health care providers.

To find out more about the Chronic Pain Self-Management program, contact Kim Mathis at 940-999-1024.


Contact Information 
Doni Green, Director of Aging
Phone: 1-800-272-3921 | Fax: 817-695-9274