One-on-One Education & Support for Caregivers

Dementia Friendly North Central/East TexasDementia Friendly North Central/East Texas is proud to offer the Resources for All Caregiver Health (REACH-TX) program. REACH-TX assigns a dementia educator to family members who are dealing with challenging behaviors like wandering or getting angry or agitated. The dementia educator works with families over several months to come up with ways to make caregiving less stressful.

For more information about REACH, contact the following agencies.

  • The Alzheimer's Alliance of Smith County at 903-509-8323 if you live in the Greater Tyler area
  • Parkland Department of Geriatrics at 214-590-8369 if the person with dementia is a Parkland patient
  • North Central Texas Area Agency on Aging at 800-272-3921 if you live anywhere in Texas

Dementia Friendly North Central/East Texas is supported in part by grant number 90ADPI0070, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL), DHHS, Washington, D.C. 20201. The services are not necessarily endorsed by ACL/HHS.