Landcover - Landuse

Landcover data documents how much of a region is covered by forests, wetlands, impervious surfaces, agriculture, and other land and water types. Water types include wetlands or open water. Landuse shows how people use the landscape – whether for development, conservation, or mixed uses (NOAA).
For entities interested in purchasing LCLU data, the chosen consultant will generate the data using Orthophotography, LiDAR and any available parcel data.  The entity can choose from two different types of LCLU:  Basic (macro-level detail) or Enhanced (micro-level detail).

Basic LCLU Classification Breakdown

  1. Tillable (Cropland) - Land used for crops.
  2. Pasture (Grassland Pasture) – ground or low vegetation located outside of the “Urban” classification.
  3. Woodland (Forest Land) – Areas of dense trees located outside of the “Urban” Classification.
  4. Wasteland – Any land not classified as Tillable, Pasture, Woodland, Water, or Urban.
  5. Developed – Urban or Built-up characterized by a high percentage (30 percent or greater) of constructed materials (e.g. asphalt, concrete, buildings, etc.).
  6. Low Intensity Residential - areas with a mixture of constructed materials and vegetation. Constructed materials account for 30-80 percent of the cover.
  7. High Intensity Residential - Includes highly developed areas where people reside in high numbers. The scope of any Landuse/Landcover mapping project is dependent upon the needs of that year’s participating entities.

Enhanced LCLU Classification Breakdown

  1. Building
    • Single Family Home (not a Mobile Home)
    • Multi Family Home (large apartment complex, not a mobile home)
    • Mobile Home
    • Commercial, Services, Institutional
  2. Industrial
  3. Transportation, Communication, Utilities
    • Air Transportation
    • Road Transportation
    • Communication
    • Utility Line
    • Other Utility
  4. Recreation, Open Use
    • Marina, Boat Launch
    • Day-Use Recreation
    • Campground
    • Group Camp
    • Cemetery
  5. Grassy Areas
  6. Forest/Trees
  7. Open Water
    • River, Stream, Canal
    • Lake, Pond
    • Reservoir

For more information about LCLU mapping, send us an email.