Materials Management

In 2021, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) reported that annual landfill disposal reached approximately 38.32 million tons of waste across the state of Texas, equivalent to 7.09 pounds per Texan per day. In the North Central Texas region alone, 11.1 million tons of waste were disposed of in landfills in 2021, making it the highest out of 24 different regions, and accounting for almost 30% of the state's total waste.

If allowed to continue at this rate, the 22 active North Central Texas landfills have a remaining capacity of only 35 years. This lifetime is greatly affected by continued population and economic growth across the state, and the use of landfills as a primary disposal option. Considering this data, it is expected that a number of communities will face challenges regarding municipal solid waste (MSW) in the near future (TCEQ, 2023).

The NCTCOG Materials Management Program works together with the Resource Conservation Council, cities, counties, school districts, and other entities to update the Regional Materials Management Plan and also to enact programs such as Time to Recycle, Report DFW Dumping, Know What to Throw Campaign, North Central Texas Reuse Marketplace, and many others, to help inform and encourage citizens to rethink waste.

Located below are links to provide insight, background, and available resources to the steps the NCTCOG Materials Management Program is taking to ensure the longevity of the North Central Texas landfills and the health of our citizens.

North Central Texas Organic Waste to Fuel Feasibility Study

North Central Texas Organic Waste to Fuel Feasibility Study


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Organic Waste Gap Analysis Study

Organic Waste Gap Analysis Study


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Regional Materials Management Plan

Regional Materials Management Plan


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Closed Landfill Inventory

Closed Landfill Inventory


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Regional Recycling Survey and Campaign - Know What To Throw

Regional Recycling Survey and Campaign - Know What To Throw


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Regional Tire Task Force

Regional Tire Task Force


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Source Reduction/Recycling

Source Reduction/Recycling


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Illegal Dumping

Illegal Dumping


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Regional Electronics Recycling Contract

Regional Electronics Recycling Contract


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Western Region Solid Waste Capacity Study

Western Region Solid Waste Capacity Study


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SB 1376 Resources

SB 1376 Resources


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North Central Texas Reuse Marketplace


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