Traffic Incident Management

Managing Traffic Incidents in North Central Texas

In a region with over 1,000 centerline miles of freeway, tolled, and managed lanes, along with nearly 2,400 miles of regional arterials, we experience more than our fair share of traffic incidents and crashes on our roadway system.  In fact, about 50% of our regional roadway congestion is caused by traffic incidents and crashes.  In an effort to address the congestion caused by these non-recurring incidents and to improve safety for motorists and emergency responders on our regional roads, in 2003, NCTCOG became the first agency in the nation to formalize a traffic incident management (TIM) training program for all responders in the region.

To reemphasize NCTCOG’s commitment to incident management, RTC, the transportation policy board for the North Central Texas region, adopted Resolution R08-10: Resolution Supporting a Comprehensive, Coordinated, Interagency Approach to Freeway Incident Management (an update to RTC Resolution R03-01).  A model resolution was also developed for passage by local jurisdictions to show their commitment to incident management.

Please take the Incident Management Call for Projects survey.