FTA Pilot 2021
Silver Line Corridor TOD Planning Study

The Federal Transit Administration awarded NCTCOG a $1 million planning grant in 2021 to help the region advance TOD on the Silver Line regional rail corridor through the FTA TOD Planning Pilot Grant program. The goal is to increase Silver Line ridership through maximizing TOD opportunities and active transportation connections to stations within the corridor. NCTCOG is coordinating with the Cities of Carrollton, Dallas, Plano, Richardson; the Town of Addison; DFW Airport; UT Dallas; DART and private sector partners along the corridor. The study is ongoing through 2025 and includes three study focus areas:
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Routes to Rail Stations: Data analysis and coordination for identifying and prioritizing necessary pedestrian improvements including opinions of probable construction costs within a half-mile radius of rail stations and studying various on-street bikeways and trail connections providing improved access to rail stations including recommended bikeway facility types. Preliminary engineering schematics and opinions of probable construction costs of recommended bikeway connections will be completed.
Routes to Rail Stations Final Report - TOD Parking Study: Evaluation of parking supply requirements through data collection counts at existing private commercial developments and comparison to zoning requirements. A study of local and national best practices for managing TOD parking will be included.
- Corridor Jobs, Housing, Land Use Analysis: Study of opportunities for increasing jobs and housing access at stations along the corridor. This will include a scenario evaluation of the different development densities and affordability impact on ridership.
Staff Contact: Travis Liska