Clean Fleet Policy
The Clean Fleet Policy is one strategy to reduce emissions from local fleet operations by providing a framework for efficient and low-emitting fleet operations. This helps the region work toward attainment of the federal ozone standard and improve overall air quality. On December 11, 2014, the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approved a resolution supporting the adoption and implementation of this revised policy by entities with fleet operations in the nonattainment area.
As of March 2025, 94 entities have adopted the Clean Fleet Policy.
What Are The Steps?
- Adopt the Clean Fleet Policy (see Key Resources below for policy templates)
- Become a DFW Clean Cities Stakeholder
- Read the Clean Fleet Policy Guidance document for best practices to implement policy elements
- Implement an Idle-Reduction Policy or Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
- Email your signed Clean Fleet Policy and Idle-Reduction Policy/SOP to
- Complete the DFW Clean Cities Annual Report each Spring
- Reduce fleet emissions
- Reduce overall fuel consumption
- Save money
- Eligibility to apply for clean vehicle funding made available by the RTC
- Opportunity for fleet recognition through the DFW Clean Cities Fleet Recognition Program
- Contribute to improving air quality in the DFW region by reducing ozone through clean fleet practices
- Partner with the Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities (DFWCC) and North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) in air quality and clean fleet initiatives
- Improve your chances for an offset of local match requirements for federal transportation projects as part of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan Policy bundle initiative
Key Resources
- Clean Fleet Policy Template
- Clean Fleet Policy Guidance
- Idle Reduction Policy/SOP Template
- Clean Fleet Policy Reporting
- Regional Transportation Council Resolution
- Regional Transportation Council Presentation
- Summary of Outreach Efforts for Policy Revision
- Comments and Responses to Policy Revision
Previous Clean Fleet Vehicle Policy (effective 2005-2014)
This policy provided guidance for reducing emissions through vehicle acquisition, maintenance, and operations. Adopting organizations also completed annual reporting, including information on fleet characteristics and best operational practices to help NCTCOG understand fleet trends and policy implementation. As of June 2011, 104 entities had adopted the Clean Fleet Vehicle Policy. Key documents associated with this older version included the RTC Resolution and Model Ordinance, Frequently Asked Questions, Refueling Guidance and Air Quality Training Manual. These documents are available upon request.
If you have any questions and/or comments, please contact