Project Selection Methodologies

Prior to the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA), federal funds were allocated differently for both roadway and transit projects. Roadway projects were selected by TxDOT based on a cost-effectiveness index as reported in the State Project Development Plan. Transit projects were selected by transit operators and funded based on the federal allocation formula, which was based on demographic and service criteria for each transit service area. After the passage of ISTEA in 1991, transportation projects had to compete with each other for limited federal funds. Roadway projects, transit projects, and other transportation-related projects were evaluated with a single set of criteria to determine which would receive federal funding through the STP-MM Program (now STBG). Project selection had to comply with the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1991 (ADA). Beginning in 1999, specific project selection criteria were developed for each funding initiative.

As transportation funding dollars have decreased within the region, regional impact has also become another critical piece used to evaluate project applications, and was evident in the Regional Toll Revenue Funding Initiative, Sustainable Development Call for Projects, the 2012-2013 Transportation Enhancement Program Call for Projects, Transportation Development Credits (TDCs) Type 2 Call for Projects, 2014 Transportation Alternative Program Call for Projects, SH 161 Funding Initiative, 2017 TA-Set Aside Call for Projects, 2019 TA-Set Aside Call for Projects, and 2020 TA-Set Aside Call for Projects.

Projects are selected based on a competitive process, with an emphasis on public and local elected official involvement. Project selection criteria generally considered in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, regardless of the type of funding initiative being employed, include: air quality, mobility, financial commitment, safety, intermodalism, regional innovation, and cost-effectiveness.

Evaluation methodology, emphasis area scoring strategies, and selection criteria and methodolgy are shared here for: