System Performance, Freight, and CMAQ (PM3)
The System Performance, Freight, and CMAQ measures (commonly known as PM3) are six measures related to the following aspects of the transportation system.
- Percent of Person Miles of Travel on the Interstate System that is Reliable (Level of Travel Time Reliability)
- Percent of Person Miles of Travel on the Non-Interstate National Highway System (NHS) that is Reliable (Level of Travel Time Reliability)
- Truck Travel Time Reliability
- Peak Hour Excessive Delay
- Percent Non-Single Occupancy Vehicle (Non-SOV) Travel
- Total Emissions Reductions (NOx and VOC)
Targets are established biennially for these measures as part of a four-year performance period, the second of which began in 2022. NCTCOG has adopted 2024 and 2026 targets for these measures. A variety of teams coordinate these measures including Roadway Planning, Freight, Sustainable Development, and Air Quality.
Committee Action and Targets
- September 2022 RTC Action on System Performance (PM3) and Transit Asset Management (TAM) Measures
- September 2020 RTC Resolution on System Performance (PM3) Measures
- September 2020 RTC Action on System Performance (PM3) Measures
- November 2018 RTC Resolution on Pavement and Bridge Condition and System Performance Measures
- November 2018 RTC Action on Pavement and Bridge Condition and System Performance Measures
Additional Information
FHWA Transportation Performance Management Home
FHWA Fact Sheets
- Interstate and Non-Interstate Reliability
- Truck Travel Time Reliability
- Peak Hour Excessive Delay
- Non-SOV Travel
- Total Emissions Reductions (NOx and VOC)
FHWA TPM Rulemakings (Links to final rules and measure fact sheets)
FHWA TPM Guidance (Procedures and guidance for calculating measures and setting targets)
National Highway System (TxDOT Open Data Portal)
NCTCOG Final CMAQ Performance Plan (November 2018)
Measures in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
- Interstate and Non-Interstate Reliability: 23 CFR 490 Subpart E (§490.501-§490.513)
- Truck Travel Time Reliability: 23 CFR 490 Subpart F (§490.601-§490.613)
- Peak Hour Excessive Delay and Non-SOV Travel: 23 CFR 490 Subpart G (§490.701-§490.713)
- Total Emissions Reductions (NOx and VOC): 23 CFR 490 Subpart H (§490.801-§490.811)
Staff Contacts
Interstate/Non-Interstate Reliability and Peak Hour Excessive Delay: Berrien Barks
Truck Travel Time Reliability: Jeff Hathcock
Non-SOV Travel: Kevin Kokes
Total Emissions Reductions: Jenny Narvaez
General Federal Performance Measure Coordination: Chris Klaus, Jenny Narvaez, and James McLane