Upper Trinity River Transportation and Stormwater Infrastructure Project

Flooded car rescueRecent flood events in Texas have brought to the attention of the State the need for more comprehensive planning in urban areas. This is particularly important in the upstream portions of the Trinity River watershed where urban growth and development is expected to continue and where unmanaged growth will have strongly negative consequences on downstream communities like Dallas and Fort Worth. The North Central Texas region has a distinct window of opportunity to proactively engage in comprehensive planning efforts that integrate its transportation, environmental and stormwater needs to address the health, safety, and welfare concerns of the region while helping local governments manage their growth and development in a cost-effective manner.

The integrating Transportation and Stormwater Infrastructure (TSI) study will identify projects to reduce future flood risk and potential funding sources to implement those projects. The study also will generate maps and models of future flood risk and policy recommendations related to development and floodplain management. The study is expected to conclude in 2026.

Contract Documents

Additional Documents

FAQ for Local GovernmentsFlyer in which TSI partners have compiled answers to common questions by local governments

Site Visit Invitation
Postcard explaining why TSI partners would like to schedule a visit with your community

Upcoming Events

Technical Advisory Group Meeting - May 2025 (Exact Date/Time: TBD)

The goal of the TSI study is to dissolve silos in the stormwater, transportation, and environmental fields, enabling proactive planning of infrastructure that reduces stormwater runoff/flooding impacts, increases transportation safety, and incorporates environmental elements such as green infrastructure. The TSI Technical Advisory Group provides input to the TSI study team regarding policy, outreach, data, and challenges that communities face.

County Watershed Workshop - May 2025 (Exact Date/Time: TBD)

This workshop will focus on risk, development, recommendations, and the Texas Water Code, specifically regarding enforcement in floodplains. There will also be discussions with stormwater professionals on model regulations and minimum control measures related to post-construction efforts. 

Technical Advisory Group

The Technical Advisory Group (TAG) was formed to provide input to the TSI Project team regarding policy, outreach, data, and challenges that communities face. The goals of the advisory group  are as follows:

  • Use technical and local knowledge to provide policy guidance and recommendations that should be developed or updated to the project team.
  • Provide technical input to identify gaps in the existing future planning landscape and share ideas of innovation.
  • Give feedback on data and modeling needs for the study area.
  • Provide guidance that helps project team produce products that benefit the intended communities and stakeholders.
  • Act as a link between project team and community leadership.
  • Support and represent the interests of stakeholders within a larger context of flood mitigation.
  • Collaborate with TSI project to support shared goals in local communities and increase the project's visibility, both internally and externally.
  • Provide advice on overall approach best practices, lessons learned that will reduce the impact of flooding

Presentations and meeting summaries from the TAG meetings are linked below:

January 24, 2025


October 24, 2024


May 6, 2024


February 5, 2024


October 23, 2023


July 12, 2023


March 6, 2023


Water Rights & Green Stormwater Infrastructure Webinar

This webinar was held on June 25, 2024 to give local governments a better understanding of water rights and how they may come into play when installing green stormwater infrastructure in a growing region. The agenda, presentation slides, and recording are linked below. 

E&D Flooding, Stormwater, & Water Quality Programs Webinar

This webinar was held on June 21, 2023 to provide an overview of current NCTCOG programs related to flood mitigation, stormwater, and water quality. The presentation slides and recording are linked below. 

Green Asset Management Workshop

This hybrid workshop was held on May 16, 2023 in coordination with the U.S. EPA and City of Denton. The presentation slides and recording are linked below. 

Audio quality improves at 6:20.

Map Your Watershed!

Map Your Watershed! allows communities to identify infrastructure and environmental features that face frequent flooding or whose presence could mitigate flooding. These features could include roads that are covered with water during heavy rain; green infrastructure, such as detention ponds that retain stormwater; or open space planned for enhancement, such as recreation trails. Please identify any other features you believe are relevant to the TSI study.

Click on the image below to visit the Map Your Watershed! website to submit a point on the map.

Map Your Watershed! Image

Stakeholder Engagement
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
TSI Stakeholder Engagement Plan

 FEMA-Funded Equity-Based Outreach in North Central Texas to Support TSI
NCTCOG Equity Based Outreach Plan 
TSI StoryMap

TSI StoryMap

The TSI StoryMap provides interactive maps about the history and conditions in the study area and the work being conducted by TSI study partners.

TSI StoryMap

Contact Information

Kate Zielke - Program Supervisor
Phone: 817-695-9227
Email: kzielke@nctcog.org

Jai-W Hayes-Jackson - Planner
Phone: 817-695-9212
Email: jhayes-jackson@nctcog.org

Jeff Neal  - Senior Projects Manager, Transportation
Phone: 817-608-2345
Email: jneal@nctcog.org