Connected and Automated Vehicles

Preparing North Texas for a future of connected and automated transportation.

City and highways with several data points overlayedConnected and Automated Vehicles (CAV) is the collective term for an array of interconnected technologies.
"Connected" vehicle technology represents communications technologies that function vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), vehicle-to-cloud or other communication destinations.  Together, these are often referred to as vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technologies.  
"Automated" vehicles are vehicles equipped with technology that allows them offer everything from advanced driver assistance, parking assistance, and even includes fully self-driving capabilities.  These technologies follow a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 represents cruise-control and anti-lock breaking features, and 5 represents the highest-functioning self-driving tech.
Considered together, these technologies are already leading to innovative approaches to transportation and infrastructure design and operations.  Increasingly, traffic signals are sharing data with each other and with vehicles on the road, automakers are equipping their new-model vehicles with data collection and sharing technology, and open-source transportation data tools are becoming a feature of everyday life (e.g., Waze).  
The technology is developing quickly, and here at NCTCOG, not only are we keeping a close eye on the state-of-the-art, but we're also ensuring that North Texas is a leader in preparing and implementing the best of these technologies.  

For more information about what this means and what our work looks like, please visit the pages linked below.

Project Highlight: Regional CAV Planning Exercise

In 2021, work began on NCTCOG’s regional planning exercise looking at future mobility development within the region—AV2.1: Planning for Local Partners.

AV2.1 is the first project to launch as part of NCTCOG’s Automated Vehicles 2.0 (AV2.0) initiative. AV2.0 is a three-part funding program aimed at (1) regional planning focused on emerging transportation technologies (AV2.1); (2) and (3) funding for deployments and services related to connected and automated vehicle technology (AV2.2 and AV2.3).

To get engaged and learn more, please visit the project website:


Goals & Partnerships

Program Goals

NCTCOG seeks to advance the development and deployment of emerging technologies that will deliver safer and more efficient transportation for the North Texas region.

This technology includes vehicle automation, such as autonomous vehicles (AVs), and technologies that will provide improved real-time information to drivers and vehicles in North Texas.

Through smart use of transportation technology, North Texans may be able to maximize value out of our transportation assets, improving the economy and prioritizing the quality of life in the region. 

Building Partnerships

The Automated Vehicle Program at NCTCOG acts as a liaison between AV developers and local and state partners. We connect the technology to the community.  

Natalie Bettger
Senior Program Manager

Internship & Research Opportunities

Stay tuned!

Find out about Connected and Automated Vehicles in the North Texas region. (Including a visual guide)

What we need to prepare our roadways and infrastructure? (Including digital infrastructure)

What do our citizens and community leaders need to know? (Includes calendar events)

Keep up with NCTCOG  automated vehicle innovation.  (Includes important news)