
Today’s Challenges

Safety- In 2018, over 36,000 people died in vehicle crashes.  That’s a challenge to each of us individual roadway users, but it’s also a challenge to those of us planning and operating our system: How do we plan for a safer future on the road?

Accessibility-  The elderly, disabled, adult non-driving members of our region are hoping that future vehicle technology can provide improved mobility and improved quality of life. Thinking about accessibility also forces transportation planners to think about ways in which more people can access more jobs and more affordable housing.

Cost - Roads, trains, traffic lights, and buses—these things aren’t cheap to deploy and maintain.  How do we think through lifecycle costs and strategize alternative modes?

Environmental Impacts- Our region suffers from consistently underperforming air quality—how do address that through better planning and use of newer, cleaner mobility technologies?

Tomorrow’s Challenges

Increasing demand
New vehicle types (Teague/Gardner?)
Land Use


Vision Zero
Slow Lanes
Curb Management
Life-cycle cost analysis
Shared ride
Fiscal sustainability