Mobility 2050 - FAQ

What is the purpose of the Mobility 2050 plan?
Mobility 2050 is the long-range Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) for the Dallas-Fort Worth region. It serves as a roadmap for transportation investments over the next 25 years, addressing roadway, transit, bicycle, pedestrian, and freight needs. The plan aligns with regional goals such as improving mobility, enhancing safety, supporting economic growth, and promoting environmental sustainability. 
How can I provide feedback on the Mobility 2050 plan?
Public input is a vital part of the Mobility 2050 planning process. You can provide feedback through public meetings, online surveys, mapping tools, email, or written comments. Visit for current opportunities to share your thoughts. 
What are the key components of the Mobility 2050 plan?

Mobility 2050 includes: 

  • A vision and goals for the future transportation system 

  • Planned roadway, transit, and bicycle/pedestrian improvements 

  • Strategies to address congestion, safety, and air quality 

  • Funding estimates and investment priorities 

  • Performance measures to track progress 

What are the expected benefits of the Mobility 2050 plan for the community?

The plan aims to: 

  • Provide traveler choice 

  • Improve safety for all road users 

  • Expand public transit options 

  • Reduce traffic congestion and travel delays 

  • Support economic development and job access 

  • Improve air quality 

How will the Mobility 2050 plan be funded?

Funding for Mobility 2050 comes from a mix of federal, state, and local sources, including: 

  • Federal and state transportation programs and formula funds 

  • Local sales taxes and bond programs for transit and roadway projects 

  • Public-private partnerships and innovative funding mechanisms 


What is the timeline for the implementation of the Mobility 2050 plan?

Plan development: planning work is underway and the plan is expected to be adopted by the Regional Transportation Council in summer 2025. 

Implementation: Mobility 2050 outlines transportation projects and policies through 2050. While some improvements will occur in the near term, others will be implemented over decades based on funding availability and regional priorities. The plan is updated every four years to reflect new developments and changing needs. 


What measures are being taken to improve pedestrian and cyclist safety?
Mobility 2050 includes policies that support active transportation, context-sensitive complete streets, and safety measures for all road users. The plan maps the Regional Veloweb, a network of planned off-street paths for walking and biking, but these corridors, along with sidewalks and local trails, are funded and implemented by local governments. While the plan does not include specific safety or infrastructure projects, it provides a regional framework to encourage investment in pedestrian and cyclist-friendly infrastructure. 
How will the Mobility 2050 plan address traffic congestion?

The plan takes a multi-faceted approach, including: 

  • Expanding roadway capacity in key corridors 

  • Enhancing traffic management technologies 

  • Promoting transit, biking, and walking as viable alternatives 

  • Supporting telecommuting and flexible work schedules 

  • Coordinating land use and transportation planning for smarter growth 

What are the plans for expanding public transit?

Mobility 2050 identifies strategies to improve and expand transit services, such as: 

  • Extending rail and bus rapid transit (BRT) lines 

  • Increasing frequency and reliability of bus routes 

  • Supporting innovative transit options like on-demand services and microtransit 

  • Encouraging transit-oriented development (TOD) to enhance accessibility 

How will the Mobility 2050 plan address the transportation needs of growing communities?
The plan addresses the transportation needs of growing communities by expanding public transit services, improving road infrastructure, and developing new transportation projects to accommodate population growth and enhance mobility. 
Where can I find more information about the Mobility 2050 plan?
For the full plan, maps, data, and updates when published, visit You can also sign up for email updates or follow @NCTCOGTrans on social media for periodic updates.