2025 Transportation Alternatives Program Call for Projects (North Central Texas Region)
The North Central Texas Council of Governments is administering the 2025 Transportation Alternatives (TA) Program Call for Projects for urbanized areas in North Central Texas. Approximately $50 million in TA federal funds will be available to award eligible projects in portions of Collin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall, Tarrant and Wise counties. Eligible projects may include Safe Routes to School Planning; Safe Routes to School Infrastructure; Shared-Use Paths (trails); On-street Bikeways; Sidewalks, Crosswalks and Curb Ramps; Sidewalks and Bikeways to Transit; Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Countermeasures and Technology; and Protected Intersections. Projects must be within the boundaries of the Adjusted Large Urbanized Areas outlined in the map below.
The Call for Projects will open on October 25, 2024. Applications are due by 5 pm on January 17, 2025.
An informational webinar was held on Tuesday, October 29. The webinar slides can be viewed here, and you can watch the recorded webinar here.
Application Materials:
Eligible Project Areas and Additional Data (displays eligible project area boundaries and relevant data layers involved in the evaluation process)
Application Forms:
- Active Transportation Construction Application Form [fillable PDF]
- Safe Routes to School Construction Application Form [fillable PDF]
- Safe Routes to School Planning Application Form [fillable PDF]
Environmental Checklist [fillable PDF]
Budget Forms:
- Construction Project Budget Form [Excel]
- SRTS Planning Budget Form [Excel]
- Construction Project Schedule [Excel]
- SRTS Planning Schedule [Excel]
Funding Commitment Templates: (each agency may use their own format and standard language to provide the required document outlining a commitment of local match and willingness to enter into an agreement if selected for federal funding)
Intent to Submit form (optional)
Contact Information:
- For Alternative Transportation application questions, contact Daniel Snyder dsnyder@nctcog.org
- For Safe Routes to School application questions, contact Shawn Conrad sconrad@nctcog.org
Application Resources
NCTCOG and Mobility 2045 (2022 Update) Resources
- Appendix E: Mobility Options (Active Transportation)
- Transportation Development Credits FAQs
Design Guidelines
- AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities (2024, 5th Edition) NEW! (Available for purchase)
- NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide
- NACTO Don’t Give Up at the Intersection: Designing All Ages and Abilities Bicycle Crossings
- FHWA Separated Bike Lane Planning and Design Guide
- FHWA Bikeway Selection Guide
- FHWA Separated Bike Lanes on Higher Speed Roadways: A Toolkit and Guide
- Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD)
- TxDOT Roadway Design Manual: Chapter 2 (Basic Design Criteria), Section 7 (Cross Sectional Elements): Sidewalks and Pedestrian Elements
- TxDOT Roadway Design Manual: Chapter 6 (Special Facilities), Section 4: Bicycle Facilities
- APBP Essentials of Bike Parking: Selecting and Installing Bike Parking that Works
- AASHTO Guide for the Planning, Design, and Operation of Pedestrian Facilities, (2021, 2nd Edition) (Available for purchase)
- ITE Designing Walkable Urban Thoroughfares: A Context Sensitive Approach (Available for purchase)
- ITE Design Guidelines Accommodating Pedestrians and Bicycles at Interchanges (Available for purchase)
Safe Routes to School Resources
- Safe Routes to School Guide
- Safe Routes to School Guide: Steps to Creating a Safe Routes to School Program
- NCTCOG Safe Routes to Schools Resources
- Texas Education Agency School Report Cards
Other Resources
- TxDOT Bid Item Averages Dashboard
- FHWA Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP)
- FHWA Proven Safety Countermeasures
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center
- TxDOT Active Transportation Plan Inventory
Environmental Checklist Resources
- NEPAssist
- Texas Historical Sites Atlas
- Texas Parks & Wildlife: Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species of Texas
- TxDOT Environmental Compliance Toolkits
- US Fish & Wildlife Service Information for Planning and Consultation (IPaC)