Celebrate Active Transportation Oct. 4 by Walking to School


Approximately 100 area schools plan to participate in annual event

Arlington, TEXAS – North Texans who drive through school zones on the way to work may see more foot traffic around campuses Oct. 4. That is when schools throughout the area will celebrate Walk to School Day. Approximately 100 schools across the region have registered to participate in this effort to persuade more students of the benefits of finding an active way to get to school.

The annual event, which began in 1997, highlights the benefits of students walking, bicycling and rolling to school. Active commutes to school can help students strengthen their friendships with one another, but there are also health benefits, including increased physical activity, better air quality and improved safety. Additionally, events can lead to lasting changes in host communities. In 2021, 65% of Walk to School Day event organizers nationally indicated that their event led to planned or completed policy or engineering enhancements, according to WalkBikeToSchool.org. Almost 40% of organizers used their events to highlight the need for roadway safety improvements, according to the website.

Some students may live too far to walk to school. There are still opportunities for them to participate if they get creative. WalkBikeToSchool.org offers a few examples, such as parking at a location near a school where students can meet and walk or roll together. They could also hold a parade and have students meet close to school and take a celebratory stroll to school. Involving others, such as local officials or even the band, could draw more attention.

Last year, elementary and middle schools from across the region participated, and the North Central Texas Council of Governments directly coordinated with 20 campuses to distribute promotional materials and host a bike raffle. Almost 1,000 entries were received for the four bikes raffled off.

This year, NCTCOG is coordinating with 24 campuses to help with their Walk to School Day events. There is still time to organize an event if your student attends a school that is not officially sponsoring one. NCTCOG makes resources available to help plan events at www.nctcog.org/saferoutestoschool.

About the North Central Texas Council of Governments:  
NCTCOG is a voluntary association of local governments established in 1966 to assist local governments in planning for common needs, cooperating for mutual benefit and coordinating for sound regional development. NCTCOG's purpose is to strengthen both the individual and collective power of local governments and to help them recognize regional opportunities, eliminate unnecessary duplication and make joint decisions. 
NCTCOG serves a 16-county region of North Central Texas, which is centered on the two urban centers of Dallas and Fort Worth. Currently, NCTCOG has 228 member governments including 
16 counties, 169 cities, 19 school districts and 24 special districts. For more information on the NCTCOG Transportation Department, visit 