Bike Month Offers Students, Adults Multiple Opportunities to Embrace Active Transportation


North Texans of all ages encouraged to get active in May

              Contact: Brian Wilson 
(817) 704-2511 
May 1, 2024 (Arlington, TEXAS) – For North Texans considering embracing a more active lifestyle as we head toward summer, May is a great time to take action. The League of American Bicyclists promotes May as Bike Month, and there are opportunities for students and adults alike to participate all month long.

Dallas-Fort Worth area schools will celebrate Bike & Roll to School Day on May 8. North Texas adults have multiple chances to pedal to work. On May 10, Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) will hold Bike to Work Day events, and the following week is recognized as National Bike to Work Week, with Bike to Work Day commemorated Friday, May 17.

Opportunities for Students
National Bike & Roll to School Day is an event organized by the National Center for Safe Routes to School. This event seeks to promote awareness and support for safer, active transportation options for all, while providing traffic safety education to children. By participating in events on May 8, schools will join a growing movement in the region committed to fostering safe and active school routes, building strong communities and inspiring families to spend more time outdoors.  The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) is providing safety-related giveaways for participating schools to hand out to students on Bike & Roll to School Day.  

Opportunities for Adults
The North Central Texas Council of Governments supports both Bike to Work events. DART’s event is scheduled for 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. at various locations along the DART network. Cyclists can enjoy giveaways, free snacks and more at CityLine Bush Station, Akard Station, the Cockrell Hill Transfer Location, Tyler/Vernon Station and Downtown Carrollton Station. For more information, visit

The League of American Bicyclists is encouraging people to ride their bikes to work the week of May 13-17 or participate in the flagship event, Bike to Work Day on May 17. Not everyone can ride a bike to work; for them, the League encourages shorter trips such as to a nearby coffee shop to meet a friend. Some workers would like to participate but live too far from the office. They may consider combining modes, especially if they live and work near transit. All three Dallas-Fort Worth transit authorities allow bikes on their buses and trains. Those choosing to pedal to work, whether on an officially recognized day or throughout the month, can enter their alternative modes at and earn rewards.

Safety Tips for All
Safety improvements could also help persuade more North Texans to choose an active transportation option. NCTCOG is working with its partners to keep the roads safe for all users, including bicyclists.
North Texans are beginning to see messaging for Look Out Texans, a regional public education and outreach safety campaign encouraging people to bike, walk and drive safely together. The campaign highlights 21 tips to keep people safe and features residents sharing their stories about the importance of looking out for others on the road. For information, including a list of safety tips, visit The campaign offers resources for students, teachers and parents/caregivers at
This campaign comes at a time when fatal motor vehicle crashes involving people bicycling and walking are increasing in North Texas. Between 2018 and 2022, there were more than 9,300 crashes reported involving a pedestrian or a bicyclist, more than 900 of which were fatal, according to the Texas Department of Transportation.

About the North Central Texas Council of Governments:  
NCTCOG is a voluntary association of local governments established in 1966 to assist local governments in planning for common needs, cooperating for mutual benefit and coordinating for sound regional development.  

NCTCOG's purpose is to strengthen both the individual and collective power of local governments and to help them recognize regional opportunities, eliminate unnecessary duplication, and make joint decisions. NCTCOG serves a 16-county region of North Central Texas, which is centered in the two urban centers of Dallas and Fort Worth. Currently, NCTCOG has 229 member governments including 16 counties, 169 cities, 19 school districts and 27 special districts. For more information on the Transportation Department, visit