2023 Transportation Conformity Document
Chapter 1: Executive Summary
Chapter 2: Air Quality
Chapter 3: Conformity
Chapter 4: Mobility 2045, 2023-2026 TIP
Chapter 5: Estimation of Vehicle Activity
Chapter 6: Estimation of Off-Network Activity
Chapter 7: Emission Factors/MOVES Model
Chapter 8: Mobile Source Emission Reduction Strategies (MOSERS)
Chapter 9: Determination of Regional Transportation Emissions
Chapter 10: Interagency Consultation
Chapter 11: Public Participation
Chapter 12: List of Appendices
2023 Transportation Conformity Appendices
12.1 Endorsements and/or Resolutions
12.2 Memorandum of Agreements
12.3 Applicable Federal Register Excerpts and Other Documents
12.4 Mobility 2045
12.5 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program
12.6 Applicable SIP Excerpts
12.7 Travel Model Validation and TAFT
12.8 Roadway System (Capacity Staging) and Network Link Listing
12.9 Vehicle Miles of Travel [ZIP]
12.10 Average Loaded Speeds [ZIP]
12.11 Center-Line Miles and Lane Miles
12.12 Interagency Consultation Process [ZIP]
12.13 MOVES and TTI Information and Fact Sheets
12.14 MOVES Input and Output Files [Large ZIP]
12.15 MOVES Input Parameters [ZIP]
12.16 MOVES Emission Factors [Large ZIP]
12.17 Transportation Control Measures in SIP
12.18 MoSERS Methodology/Calculation Descriptions
12.19 MoSERS Project Listing
12.20 Public Involvement Process
12.21 MOVES External Reference Files [ZIP]
12.22 Definition of Regionally Significant Roadway System
12.23 Tab Delimited Files [ZIP]
12.24 Roadway Networks [ZIP]
12.25 Emissions [ZIP]
12.26 Supplement Files