Fort Worth - Polytechnic/Texas Wesleyan University Streetscape Enhancement

2009-2010 Call for Projects
Status: Complete
The Polytechnic/Texas Wesleyan University (TWU) Streetscape Enhancement project enhanced pedestrian infrastructure through context-sensitive improvements connecting amenities to TWU and Polytechnic High School across Rosedale Street. The project area has a "main street feel" with a tightly-spaced grid.
The funded improvements include wider sidewalks at intersections to narrow pedestrian crossing distance, street trees, pedestrian lights, street furnishings, and a traffic signal at Wesleyan Street with pedestrian-controlled crossing devices. One- and two-story masonry “main street style” buildings fronting Rosedale Street were renovated and to complement the pedestrian-friendly improvements.
The project improvements allow for better pedestrian access to nearby restaurants, retail, coffee shops, and the Central Texas Conference Center located on the south side of Rosedale Street.
The project cost of $1,371,370 was funded through public-private partnerships.
Mixed-Use Information
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