2045 Regional Veloweb

The Regional Veloweb is a 2,165 mile network of off-street shared-use paths (trails) designed for multi-use trip purposes by bicyclists, pedestrians, and other non-motorized forms of transportation adopted as part of Mobility 2045 Update. The Veloweb serves as the regional expressway network for active transportation, and it extends the reach of the region’s roadway and passenger rail transit network for non-motorized transportation. The Veloweb has planned connections in 10 counties and 105 cities in North Central Texas. Community Pathways are similar to the Veloweb although they may not provide a connection to a major destination, they help supplement the Veloweb network. Alignments were determined through the cooperative efforts of local governments and NCTCOG staff by:

  • Identifying existing and funded facilities.
  • Reviewing locally planned bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
  • Locating routes that would provide air quality benefits and access to transit stations and major destinations.
  • Identifying corridors that provide the greatest potential for regional connectivity.

The Regional Veloweb is adopted by the Regional Transportation Council, the transportation policy body of the Metropolitan Planning Organization, as part of the long-term metropolitan transportation plan for the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Corridors identified on the Veloweb as “planned” may be  prioritized for future funding. Cities and counties within the region are responsible for the planning and implementation of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure and amenities. The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) takes those plans and promotes connections throughout the region, with a focus on alternative commute routes.

These shared-use paths are expected to be consistent with the recommendations and design guidance set forth by the American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHTO) for the development of bicycle facilities. Facilities that are federally funded are required to comply with AASHTO guidance.  Design considerations for regional and community pathways are described in more detail in the table below.

For more information on the Veloweb, view the Regional Veloweb brochure.

For a snapshot of regionally significant trail systems, view our 2024-25 Regional Trails Brochure and Map. This brochure is sponsored "in part" by bicycle-oriented businesses in the North Texas region such as bike shops, as well as other Bicycle Friendly Businesses designated by the League of American Bicyclists.  If you are interested in participating in this program and becoming a sponsor, please contact our office. 

map for more information contact barbara walsh at 817-695-9240

This chart explains the Regional Veloweb 2045 Pathways Classifications and Primary Design Considerations

Click on a link below to return to the Trails and On-Street Bikeways Network home page,  view expanded maps and read more about community paths and on-street bikeways.