Contracts & Purchasing Academy

Government Procurement Services Courses

Courses are offered virtually or in person; in-person courses are held at the NCTCOG offices in Arlington.  Click on the course type below to expand the section and see the course date options. To enroll, please click your preferred date.

Contract Administration


Continuing Education Hours: 8
Class Time: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Central
Instructor: Janet Hasty

Virtual Training ($340)

In-Person Training ($375)
(lunch included)


Course Description

This workshop provides essential information to contract management personnel to successfully administer government contracts. The workshop covers all aspects of the contract administration process, including best practices and current processes. The workshop contains lecture and discussion, as well as small group exercises and case studies. Additional Details.

Essentials of Contract Management


Continuing Education Hours: 16
Class Time: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Central, daily
Instructor: Phil Brasher

Virtual Training


In-Person Training ($560)
(lunches included)

Course Description

The workshop provides essential information to contract personnel to establish a successful contract management program. It is critical that government properly manage contracts. The workshop is designed to acquaint students with all aspects of the contracting process, including best practices and effective processes. The workshop contains lectures, discussions, small group exercises, and case studies. Additional Details.

Ethics and Fraud in Contracting


Continuing Education Hours: 8
Class Time: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Central
Instructor: Janet Hasty

Virtual Training ($340)

In-Person Training ($375)
(lunch included)

Course Description

The purpose of this workshop is to help those involved with the public purchasing process to understand the importance of ethical behavior in government contracting. It is designed to help procurement professionals recognize ethical dilemmas and give them the tools necessary to make sound, ethical decisions. Also includes discussion of the various types of procurement fraud and how to recognize fraud indicators. The workshop contains lecture and discussion as well as small group exercises and case studies. Additional Details.

Fundamentals of Public Purchasing


Continuing Education Hours: 16
Class Time: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Central, daily
Instructor: Phil Brasher

Virtual Training


In-Person Training ($560)
(lunches included)

Course Description

This workshop covers a basic overview of the entire public procurement process (the Procurement Cycle), including founding principles, best practices, solicitation methods, and more. The training includes lectures, discussions, and group exercises. Additional Details.

Negotiation Skills


Continuing Education Hours: 8
Class Time: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Central
Instructor: Janet Hasty

Virtual Training ($340)

In-Person Training ($375)
(lunch included)

Course Description

This workshop provides a systemic framework for understanding negotiation. Negotiation is an essential skill for achieving objectives in government procurement and various other situations. Participants are introduced to the main principles of effective negotiation, which help develop the skills needed to achieve a successful outcome. The workshop contains lectures, discussions, group exercises, case studies, and practice sessions. Additional Details.

Procurement Management Academy


Continuing Education Hours: 8 or 16
Class Time: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Central
Instructor: Janet Hasty

Virtual Training ($340)

In-Person Training ($560)
(lunches included)

Course Description

Designed for procurement professionals who are currently in a management role or aspire to be in a management role. The workshop covers a variety of procurement management topics. Many of the concepts taught in this workshop follow the “Achievement of Excellence in Procurement” guidelines from the National Procurement Institute. This is a national program that benchmarks organizational excellence in procurement. The workshop contains lectures, discussions, small group exercises, case studies, and discussion circles. The 1-day class covers procurement management. The 2-day class includes procurement and general management topics, including time management, communication skills, email netiquette, critical thinking skills, team building, and managing and motivating employees. Additional Details.

Purchasing 101 for Everyone


Continuing Education Hours: 8
Class Time: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Central
Instructor: Janet Hasty

Virtual Training ($340)

In-Person Training ($375)
(lunch included)

Course Description

This workshop explains and facilitates an understanding of the public purchasing process. It covers the principles of public purchasing, best practices, ethics and standards of conduct, the solicitation process, cooperative purchasing, and evaluation and award. The workshop contains lectures, discussions, small group exercises, and case studies. Additional Details.

Specification Writing


Continuing Education Hours: 8
Class Time: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Central
Instructor: Janet Hasty

Virtual Training ($340)

In-Person Training ($375)
(lunch included)

Course Description

This class provides the skills necessary for developing effective specifications for the procurement of goods and services. The importance of developing a well-written specification cannot be understated. Participants will understand the specification writing process and how to incorporate skills learned into future procurements for their entities. Participants will learn by practical application in addition to classroom theory. Additional Details.

Understanding Small Purchases


Continuing Education Hours: 3
Class Time: 8:30 am to 11:30 am Central
Instructor: Janet Hasty

In-Person Training
(lunch included)


Course Description

The three-hour workshop is designed for state and local governments using the small procurement method, typically $3,000 – $50,000. It reviews this method and its place within the framework of procurement procedures and contains lectures, discussions, and small group exercises. Additional Details.

Using Requests for Proposals


Continuing Education Hours: 8
Class Time: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Central
Instructor: Janet Hasty

Virtual Training ($340)

In-Person Training ($375)
(lunch included)

Course Description

Participants will develop a thorough understanding of the RFP process, including proposal evaluation methods, selection criteria, and negotiation strategies. RFPs are typically utilized for more complex procurements when there is a need to review responses and vendors objectively. Participants will learn by practical application in addition to classroom theory. Additional Details.

Writing Statements of Work


Continuing Education Hours: 8
Class Time: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Central
Instructor: Janet Hasty

Virtual Training ($340)

In-Person Training ($375)
(lunch included)

Course Description

This workshop covers Statements of Work (SOW) for services. Developing an SOW is often more challenging than writing a specification for goods. One reason is that a “spec sheet” is generally unavailable for services like we are accustomed to with goods. Participants will develop a thorough understanding of the components of creating an SOW. The course contains lectures, discussions, small group exercises, and case studies. Additional Details.