Grant Application Workshops
NCTCOG will conduct free mandatory grant application workshops for agencies applying in the Office of the Governor's (OOG) Public Safety Office (PSO) grant categories listed below.
NCTCOG's region includes Collin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Erath, Hood, Hunt, Johnson, Kaufman, Navarro, Palo Pinto, Parker, Rockwall, Somervell, Tarrant and Wise counties. If your agency provides services outside our region, a list of other COGs can be found at the Texas Association of Regional Councils. Applicants desiring to serve counties in other COG regions MUST contact that COG to learn about their workshop requirements, policies and procedures, and scoring process.
Important: Click on each category to read its funding announcement to determine if your agency is eligible to apply and that your proposed project fits within the criteria.
Criminal Justice Grant Program (Justice Assistance Grant)
This funding supports projects that promote public safety, reduce crime, and improve the criminal justice system.
General Victim Assistance Grant Program
This funding provides services and assistance directly to victims of crime to speed their recovery and aid them through the criminal justice process.
New for FY26: Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth (CSEY) projects providing community-based drop-in centers, emergency residential placements, long-term residential placements, and/or innovative direct services will go through the NCTCOG scoring/prioritization process. See General Victim Assistance funding announcement for more details (page 7).
Juvenile Justice and Truancy Prevention Grant Program
This funding supports projects that prevent violence in and around schools and improve the juvenile justice system by providing mental health services, truancy prevention and intervention through community-based and school programs.
Violence Against Women Justice and Training Program
This funding supports projects that promote a coordinated, multidisciplinary approach to improving the justice system's response to violent crimes against women, including domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking.
Workshop Registration Information
Per NCTCOG policies, grant application workshop attendance is mandatory for all FY26 applicants wishing to submit a new application, renewal application, and/or a non-competing continuation application in the categories listed above.
If your agency anticipates using a grant writer who is not an employee of your organization, an organization employee must also attend. Furthermore, contract grant writers will not be allowed to sign in for multiple agencies they may be representing. The applicant agency is required to send a staff person to meet the mandatory attendance policy and to be clear on the submission process associated with this region.
Workshop topics include PSO application submission instructions, PSO eligibility requirements, NCTCOG local priorities, NCTCOG funding parameters, NCTCOG document submission requirements, and the NCTCOG scoring/review process.
FY26 Workshops
- All workshop sessions will be held in person at the NCTCOG offices in Arlington.
- Each workshop session will cover all funding categories listed above.
- Attendees must pre-register.
- All sessions are the same; you may register for whichever session works best for you.
- Applicant agencies need only attend one session to be eligible to apply.
- Seating is limited to two representatives per organization.
- Successful registration will result in an email confirmation.
Important: NCTCOG will not provide workshop handouts; attendees must bring handouts to their respective session. Workshop materials are available below the registration form.
Workshop Session Materials
We encourage you to bring these session materials with you to the workshop.
FY26 NCTCOG Criminal Justice Grant Application Workshop PowerPoint
FY26 NCTCOG Eligible Amounts for Non-Competing Continuation Projects
FY26 Eligible Activities for NCTCOG-Prioritized Categories
NCTCOG Addendums (required for all new or renewal projects being scored)
- FY26 Criminal Justice Program-Justice Assistance Grant (CJ-JAG) Addendum
- FY26 General Victim Assistance (GVA) Addendum
- FY26 Juvenile Justice & Truancy Prevention (JJ-TP) Addendum
- FY26 Violence Against Women Justice & Training (VAW) Addendum
Other Forms
The following forms and guides are not required for the workshop; however, they are useful tools in creating your application.
CEO/Law Enforcement Certifications & Assurances Form
CEO/NGO Certifications and Assurances Form
Body-Worn Camera (BWC) Policy Certification Form
DPS License Plate Reader (LPR) User Agreement Form
Banking Documents
eGrants Guides and Other Resources
PSO Guide to Grants - Oct 2024
PSO Grantee Standard Conditions and Responsibilities
Statewide Interoperability Coordinator (SWIC) Review Instructions for Communications Equipment
Texas Grant Management Standards (TxGMS)
Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Prohibited and Controlled Expenditure Guide - Jun 2023
DOJ Grants Financial Guide - Oct 2024
System for Award Management (SAM) Guidance
eGrants User's Guide to Creating an Application
eGrants Registering a New User Account Guide
OOG Developing a Good Project Guide
eGrants Narrative Tab Character Limits
eGrants List of Permissions by Role
Applicants must access the eGrants grant management website at to apply for funding.
Direct all questions to NCTCOG's Criminal Justice staff listed at the bottom of this page.
eGrants HelpDesk
NCTCOG Contact Information
Kelly Schmidt, Criminal Justice Program Administrator
Phone 817-608-2383