William J. Pitstick Regional Excellence Award

In 1993, the North Central Texas Council of Governments established the William J. Pitstick Excellence Award to be presented each year at NCTCOG’s Annual General Assembly. This gesture honors the professional service of Bill Pitstick during his 26 years as NCTCOG’s Executive Director. The award recognizes an individual who has promoted good, strong representative local government and a spirit of regionalism in solving multi-jurisdictional problems. Any current or former elected or appointed public official or any private sector individual (excluding current NCTCOG staff and Executive Board members) who has or presently works and lives in the 16-county North Central Texas region is eligible for the award.

Local government staff members, local elected officials, chamber of commerce officials, or interested citizens may nominate an individual (or themselves) to receive this award by completing the following form or submitting the downloadable form via email. Applicants will be judged on their leadership in the promotion of coordination and cooperation among citizens and local elected officials in a continuing effort to solve regional problems and the recognition that jurisdictional boundaries of local governments are not barriers to the solution of such problems.

Download a copy of the William J. Pitstick Award Nomination Guidelines

Deadline for nominations is May 16.

Online Nomination Form:

The nominee has not only made contributions to good, strong, representative local government, but has also demonstrated a strong commitment to regionalism through the following actions/activities.
Please provide specific comments that demonstrate how your nominee has promoted good, strong representative local government and a spirit of regionalism in solving multi-jurisdictional problems. Please provide additional information beyond solely a resume.