Program Participation

Regional Codes Coordinating Committee Work Program Cost Shares

FY2024 funding commitments for the Regional Codes Coordinating Committee (RCCC) Work Program were mailed to all public sector communities in the NCTCOG region starting October 1, 2023. 
In partnership with the RCCC, the North Central Texas Council of Governments developed a three year Work Program endorsed by the RCCC. The first year of the three-year program began on October 1, 2023, and will focus on the development of the Recommended Regional Code Amendments. The second year will begin on October 1, 2024 and will focus on Code Adoption and Outreach. The third year will begin on October 1, 2025 and will focus on Education, Training and Outreach.

To commit to this year's Work Program, please contact Hannah Allen Ordonez at for a copy of your invoice. Funding amounts are based on city population and can be found in the table below.  

FY2024-2026 Approved Work Plan

Population Estimates and RCCC Cost Share Amounts

NCTCOG Contact:
Hannah Allen Ordonez
(817) 695-9215

Thank you for your support of the Regional Building Codes Program. If you have any questions regarding the program or the activities for the coming year, please contact Environment and Development at 817-695-9210 or If you are unable to access the appropriate document for your entity or have problems downloading the support documentation, please contact Environment and Development at 817-695-9210 or