Caregiver Support & Respite Services
Caregiver Respite
Caregiving can be a demanding job – it’s almost impossible to take on alone. The emotional, physical and mental toll can leave you feeling exhausted.
If you need a break, North Central Texas Area Agency on Aging provides temporary relief for family caregivers. Eligible family members receive vouchers of up to $1,000 that may be used to purchase in-home or institutional care.
Complete the following steps to apply.
- Review the Respite Voucher Program Guidelines
- Download the Respite Voucher Program Application
- Complete the application and mail to the North Central Texas Area Agency on Aging, P.O. Box 5888, Arlington, TX 76005-5888
Custodial Grandparent Respite
North Central Texas Area Agency on Aging may provide respite vouchers to eligible grandparents age 55 and over who are primary caretakers for grandchildren age 18 and under, or people age 55 and over who care for young adults with severe disabilities.
Complete the following steps to apply.
- Review the Respite Voucher Program Guidelines
- Download the Respite Voucher Program Application
- Complete the application and mail it to North Central Texas Area Agency on Aging, P.O. Box 5888, Arlington, TX 76005-5888
Caregiver Support Coordination
We know that there are times when you need help with the physical care of your loved one. Our case managers can help connect you with services that enhance your ability to care for older loved ones or young adults with severe disabilities.
Grandparent Support Coordination
If you are a custodial grandparent who is at least 55 years of age, and you are unable to meet all of your grandchild’s needs, we may be able to help. Our case managers can help connect you with services that enhance your ability to care for your grandchild or grandchildren.
What more information? Download the Grandparent Support Services brochure.
Local and State Services for Family Caregivers
North Central Texas Area Agency on Aging contracts with local organizations to provide nutrition services, including home-delivered and congregate meals, as well as transportation services. Transportation is available by reservation only, within county limits. For more information about nutrition or transportation services, use our service map and select your county.
At the state level, Take Time Texas is a clearinghouse of resources for family caregivers for people of all ages. For more information, visit Take Time Texas.
Contact Information
Doni Green, Director of Aging
Phone: 800-272-3921 | Fax: 817-695-9274