Current Ozone Activity


2024 Ozone Days Calendar - the Design Value for Calendar Year 2024 is:  83 ppb

Current Air Quality Index (AQI) Map

These are not monitor values. These are AQI values. See table below.
Ozone Color Legend
Air Quality Index Values and Ozone Concentration
Air Quality Index(AQI) Values 8-hour Ozone Levels (ppb) Levels of Health Concern Colors
0-50 0-54 Good Green
51-100 55-70 Moderate Yellow
101-150 71-85 Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups Orange
151 to 200 86-105 Unhealthy Red
201 to 300 106-200 Very Unhealthy Purple
301 to 500+ Not Defined Hazardous Maroon

Current AQI Animation Animation Courtesy of AirNow
Monitor values shown on map are AQI values, not hourly ozone measurements.  See AQI table above.

North Central Texas AQI Animation

This is a preview image of the North Central Texas AQI Animation
Image Looping
Single Frame
Map shows the current highest ozone 1-hour levels measured in parts per billion for each of the metropolitan areas in Texas where ozone is measured by the TCEQ. Thumbnail of a 2024 calendar small thumbnail of multicolored score card showing various levels of ozone alert colors and levels as an example includes a link to last exceedance scores This is a thumbnail of a generic line chart linking to the 8-hour ozone NAAQS historical trends as of June 14, 2021 outlining the standards of 1997, 2008, and 2015. This is a thumbnail of an example air quality index chart which links to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality website displaying the air quality forecast for the day.

TCEQ Map of
Current Monitor

2024 Ozone
Season Calendar

Current as of

Ozone Monitor
Current as of 

Ozone Design
(Historical and
Current as of 

TCEQ Air Quality

Sign up for air pollution alerts and learn how you can help improve air quality at

Air North Texas Logo a blue circle with waves in the middle and Air North Texas text around the bottom linking to the Air North Texas site.

 Please contact Jenny Narvaez with any other questions.